For you LEGAL, you asked for it;

If perchance you find the news in a LULL
just you remember that your leader is CULL!!!
sit down and listen to some of his BULL
and you will then wonder, upon how he is FULL
of that thing that you and I, dispose of each DAY
and if it don't happen, your body will PAY
so listen upon this worthless log lumber
and don't ignore it, and lay as in slumber
just remember that bush, he has your number
and fleece you he will, though he act like a fumbler
as for our cause illegal immigration
he bandy about, give away your station
to some fool, more unlucky than you
you get to stay home, in unemployment stew
so get get off your backside, and be done with this dolt
to you bush supporters, I hope this will JOLT!!!!

joke; what is is a bush supporter? A female jock strap.

FYI: in lumbermans terms CULL!!, is wood that is rotton and worthless, in fact it sometimes costs money to dispose of it, thereby making it WORSE than WORTHLESS, hence the term CULL LOG. bush is all of that. GET over it if you voted for the CULL LOG! cheers glenn