Found this interesting reading through Rasmussen Reports.

National Survey of Likely 1000 Voters
Conducted January 11-12, 2011 By Rasmussen Reports

48% of likely voters now trust Republicans in Immigration while Dems are sitting at 37%. Males trust Reps with it 6% more then Females. 51% of white vs 35% trust reps over Dems. 22% black over 55% trust Reps over Dems. However 55% of *other* vs 37% trust Reps over Dems.

Been finding it interesting far as *other* for race most trust Reps on most issues right now over Dems. *other* being anything non black or white.

In side news conducted Jan 13 2011 57% of likely voter democrats see Congressional dems as more liberal then they are while only 8% say they are more liberal then the congressional dems, and 28% say about the same.

Similiar surveys on the other side suggest Cons. Reps say their congressmen are about right with a large majority (will try and find that poll again).

Suggests to me if Reps can step towards the middle a tad more on a few other issues the far left libs may fall apart much quicker. ... _on_issues ... n_they_are

Would post full results page if could but need a Plat membership for others to read.