Kos Diarist Gets ObamaCare Bill: 'What the Hell Kind of Reform Is This?'

by John Nolte 15 Oct 2013, 2:18 PM PDT 509 post a comment

Over at the hard-left Daily Kos, diarist Tirge Caps, who has a years-long history as a reliable left-wing Daily Kos diarist, lashed out at ObamaCare. After receiving a notice that said his monthly health insurance premiums will nearly double, Caps writes, "I am canceling insurance for us and I am not paying any ****ing penalty. What the hell kind of reform is this?"

My wife and I just got our updates from Kaiser telling us what our 2014 rates will be. Her monthly has been $168 this year, mine $150. We have a high deductible. We are generally healthy people who don't go to the doctor often. I barely ever go. The insurance is in case of a major catastrophe.
Well, now, because of Obamacare, my wife's rate is gong to $302 per month and mine is jumping to $284.
I am canceling insurance for us and I am not paying any ****ing penalty. What the hell kind of reform is this?
Oh, ok, if we qualify, we can get some government assistance. Great. So now I have to jump through another hoop to just chisel some of this off. And we don't qualify, anyway, so what's the point?
Barack Obama, the Democrats, and the media did a marvelous job covering up the horrors of ObamaCare during its passage and straight through the 2012 election.
It is just a matter of time, though, before reality became reality.
Hard to stay happy in the Hope and Change Bubble when the bill comes due.

ADDED: Be sure to read the comments on the original post.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC
