What's this 'threat to our homeland" she says..sounds like a statement from another country..Homeland..makes me think of Russia...Homeland..indeed.

Obama does have a plan for America..total destruction of it...

I usually like Ben Stien..I don't agree with him on this one though. He thinks we belong over there bombing and killing but why are we there...I think the line is blurred and who are we protecting....why are our boys dying for who's Freedom. Freedom from who.and what....we are loosing our Freedoms in this Country every day..who and what are they protecting....

They can't even control our own borders but want our men to die there ... what is he talking about...explain to me for what and who....Ron Paul is right.

Personally I think this whole thing is a put up deal anyways...just to get everyone's mind of the Health Care Bull they are trying to jam down our throats....


Antisemitic on Larry King
Submitted by sharpsteve on Mon, 12/28/2009 - 23:07

* Daily Paul Liberty Forum

by Marc Gallagher | Liberty Maven

Ron Paul appeared on Larry King Live on CNN this evening along with Ben Stein and Sheila Jackson Lee to discuss the recent thwarted terrorist attack. After Paul gives his now famous view that they “attack us because we are over thereâ€