William was asking for suggestions in his "the sky is falling" thread, and I've got one. How about if Alipac declares a GENERAL STRIKE in protest to the violation of our Constitution by giving US citizenship to anchor babies, to whom the 14th Amendment clearly doesn't apply?

All the arguments and evidence that 14th Am. doesn't apply to illegals is here:

Such a General Strike would give opportunity to protest our government's MIS-APPLICATION of the 14th Amendment, to ALL AMERICANS.

We've had a Day without an illegal and a Day without a Gay, so why not a Day WITHOUT A PATRIOT?

Regarding the date, how about Jan. 20th? Let's steal some of Obama's thunder, and show what the nation thinks about this illegal alien problem.
Oh, Jan. 20th is sunday, so let's make it Jan.21. How about it guys, would anyone be willing to help promote this? I mean emails, faxes, flyers, etc. Could be a great project for all Alipac members.

I mean, the Libs will have Obama coronation in January, so why not have something to celebrate for American Patriots also?