I guess today is my day to let these elcted officials know how I feel. Here's the email addy for the White House if anyone wants to vent.


Dear Mr. President,

Not only was the passing of this stimulus package one of the most irresponsible acts I have ever seen this government do, the power-driven acts by the Democrats during this process was disgusting. House rules were broken to keep the Republicans from taking part in one of the biggest pieces of legislation in history. The lopsided 7 Democrats-3 Republicans conferees in the final conference committee was a definite signal that the Republicans wouldn't get a say in how this massive amount of money would be spent. After an almost unanimous vote in the House to keep E-Verify in the bill, Harry Reid made the decision all by himself to not even allow the E-Verify amendment to come to the Senate floor for a vote. Amazing how he feels he has the right to speak for all Americans. Then, secret meetings took place in the middle of the night between Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi to strip all language from the bill that would've ensured that only American workers benefited from any new jobs created.

You campaigned on an open government, yet you allowed a few power-driven Democrats to get away with doing just the opposite. Even though Congress was told they would have 48 hours to read this monstrosity of a bill, they instead had a few hours. It's not hard to see why. If people had a chance to see the contents, more Americans would've been outraged by it. Even though the majority of Americans objected to this bill, it was rammed down their throats anyway. You said you would post bills online for 5 days before signing, but you haven't lived up to that promise, either. You campaigned on CHANGE and all we've seen so far is more sneaky tactics and broken promises.

If this is an example of how the next four years will be, I hope people are smarter in 2010 and 2012.