The outrageous and premeditated vagaries of Huckabee's "9-Point Secure America Plan" would almost be admirable, if their intent were not so pernicious.

From the plan:

"#3 Prevent Amnesty
Policies that promote or tolerate amnesty will be rejected. "

Mmm... "Amnesty" ... Who's definition of amnesty? Huckabee's? Our federal legislators'? The dictionary's? Obviously, if the series of congressional bills that were almost passed this year were not considered amnesty by their promoters, but which most certainly WERE amnesty policies with any careful inspection, illustrates that making any pledge to reject and not tolerate amnesty policies-- has no meaning whatsoever.

Ohh... I get it. He'll reject any policy if the word 'amnesty' appears in it. OK, gee thanks, Mike, for watching our backs.

"#3 Prevent Amnesty" (part 2)

"Propose to provide all illegal immigrants a 120-day window to register with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services and leave the country. Those who register and return to their home country will face no penalty if they later apply to immigrate or visit; those who do not return home will be, when caught, barred from future reentry for a period of 10 years."

"Propose to provide..." Huckabee's not promising to provide, he's promising to propose to provide. Which means, he can propose anything – even something he doesn’t really endorse, and then through any infinite number of machinations, have his proposal thwarted and he will have kept his promise of point #3 of his 9-point plan.

"Propose to provide all illegal immigrants a 120-day window to register with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services and leave the country. Those who register and return to their home country will face no penalty if they later apply to immigrate or visit;..."

Mmm... "no penalty" ... But NOT amnesty...

You mean all they have to do is register and there are no consequences for committing identity theft, fraud and a whole host of other crimes, not the least of which is breaking into the country in the first place?

Let's see... the dictionary definition of 'amnesty': A forgetting or overlooking of any past offense especially to a class of persons as a whole.

Nope. Doesn't say anything about no penalty, so I guess we're OK on the amnesty thing...

It's there in black and white if one looks close enough; he's just not using the "A"-Word.

I guess because the problem is 'so widespread,' there's no other choice.

Hey, wait a sec-- If amnesty will solve our illegal immigration problem, maybe it'll solve the problems of burglary, fraud and dozens of other non-violent crimes, which are also widespread.

Why stop at illegal immigration...?