By Frosty Wooldridge
January 31, 2011

In this report on America’s challenges for the 21st century, William Dickinson, director of The Biocentric Institute, exposes underlying realities facing America. You may access much of the information here. http://www.iapm.org/biocentric.htm

You may appreciate that the United States continues to grow by adding 3.1 million immigrants annually, but in the process, it must shell out $346 billion to care for their education, medical, housing, food and amenities across 15 federal agencies. Meanwhile, our infrastructure rots, disintegrates and breaks down often.

The water and sewages systems in our older cities like New York, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Denver, Dallas, New Orleans and many more exceed 100 years of age. While we wage warrantless wars and reconstruct other nations, our own country falls into disrepair as bridges crumble, roads crack into pieces and buildings decay. Much like the 68 percent of Americans that suffer from weight problems that will cost them at some point—America’s infrastructure faces the same fate.

As we steam full speed into the 21st century Mr. Dickinson, what parts of America’s infrastructure need attention?

“Infrastructure is one of those words -- such as process, paradigm, challenges -- that cause a reader’s eyes to glaze over,â€