Demand Congress Tell the W.H. to Open Brian Terry's Records

Sample Letter to Fax to Your Congressional Representatives:


RE: White House Seals Brian Terry's Records!


I am writing to respectfully demand that you join the 44 Congressmen who are calling on Eric Holder to resign.

In his sworn testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding Fast & Furious, Holder claimed that stricter gun control measures would have prevented law enforcement from selling guns to Mexican drug cartels.

Harsh and punitive gun control laws would not have stopped Operation Fast & Furious. Holder and everyone else involved have proved OVER and OVER again that they didn't let a little thing like the law get in their way.

Holder said, "Unfortunately, this year the House of Representatives actually voted to keep law enforcement in the dark when individuals purchase multiple semi-automatic rifles and shotguns in the Southwest border gun shops." Holder then made his gun control pitch, "Providing law enforcement with the tools to detect and disrupt illegal gun trafficking is entirely consistent with the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens and it is critical to addressing the public safety crisis on the Southwest border."
There is NO justice in Holder's Justice Department. 44 Republican Congressman are now calling for Holder's resignation. As attorney general, Eric Holder is the chief law enforcement officer in the U.S. How can we expect him to enforce the law when he can't follow the law? That is why we need your help. Tell your fellow members to join the 44 Congressmen who are calling for Holder to resign. If you are one of those Congressmen, I thank you very much.
