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Thread: Roll Call whip count: 19 Republicans support leadership’s immigration principles

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  1. #1
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Roll Call whip count: 19 Republicans support leadership’s immigration principles

    Roll Call whip count: 19 Republicans support leadership’s immigration principles

    POSTED AT 11:21 AM ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014

    Glass half-full or glass half-empty? Roll Call thinks this is good news for amnesty opponents since, after all, 19 is a paltry fraction of a caucus in which every major figure in the leadership is onboard. Your friendly neighborhood eeyorepundit naturally sees things differently: If Democrats vote unanimously in favor, that’s 199 Dems plus 19 Republicans — i.e. 218, an amnesty majority.

    Coincidentally, Boehner and Obama are huddling this morning on topics various and sundry. Dude, I’m nervous. A little.

    The tally found 19 backing leadership’s standards, two more who said “possibly yes,” 30 Republicans openly opposing the principles, 22 who refused to say and 25 who were undecided. Three others had nuanced responses. The other 131 did not respond to calls or emails over a two-week period.

    Given the number of Republicans who declined to answer or wouldn’t give a binary response, it’s possible Republicans see support for the broadly worded principles as a proxy for supporting an immigration overhaul this year. But with such a seeming dearth of support, the likelihood Republicans could move legislation — in this Congress or the next — seems bleak…

    [S]uch a lackluster response from Republicans undermines Boehner’s contention that a majority of his conference supports the immigration principles, which were written in a broad fashion so as to attract the most support possible.
    Here’s the list
    Have an update to this list? Please email
    Mark Amodei, Nev.
    John A. Boehner, Ohio
    Ken Calvert, Calif.
    Eric Cantor, Va.
    Jeff Denham, Calif.
    Charlie Dent, Pa.
    Mario Diaz-Balart, Fla.
    Renee Ellmers, N.C.
    Peter T. King, N.Y.
    Kevin McCarthy, Calif.
    Michael McCaul, Texas
    Howard “Buck” McKeon, Calif.
    Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Wash.
    Steve Pearce, N.M.
    Paul D. Ryan, Wis.
    Glenn Thompson, Pa.
    Marlin Stutzman, Ind.
    David Valadao, Calif.

    Robert Pittenger, N.C. (Must focus on border security first)
    Dave Reichert, Wash.

    Michele Bachmann, Minn.
    Lou Barletta, Pa.
    Andy Barr, Ky.
    Jim Bridenstine, Okla.
    Mo Brooks, Ala.
    Paul Broun, Ga.
    Bradley Byrne, Ala.
    Michael C. Burgess, Texas
    Tom Cotton, Ark. (“Opposes amnesty”)
    Rick Crawford, Ark.
    Ron DeSantis, Fla. (Asked 2/25 to be moved from “Yes” to “No”)
    Scott DesJarlais, Tenn.
    Jeff Duncan, S.C.
    John Fleming, La.
    Cory Gardner, Colo.
    Phil Gingrey, Ga.
    Louie Gohmert, Texas
    Tom Graves, Ga.
    Tim Griffin, Ark.
    Ralph M. Hall, Texas
    Jeb Hensarling, Texas
    George Holding, N.C.
    Walter B. Jones, N.C.
    Steve King, Iowa
    Tom McClintock, Calif.
    Tom Price, Ga.
    Tom Rice, S.C.
    Dana Rohrabacher, Calif.
    Steve Scalise, La.
    Lamar Smith, Texas (Asked 2/25 to be moved from “Did not respond” to “No”)
    Steve Stockman, Texas
    Randy Weber, Texas

    Robert W. Goodlatte, Va.

    “IN PART”
    Doug LaMalfa, Calif.

    Raúl R. Labrador, Idaho

    Larry Bucshon, Ind.
    Kevin Cramer, N.D.
    Rodney Davis, Ill.
    Kay Granger, Texas
    Vicky Hartzler, Mo.
    Tim Huelskamp, Kan.
    Duncan Hunter, Calif.
    Doug Lamborn, Colo.
    Blaine Luetkemeyer, Mo.
    Thomas Massie, Ky.
    Luke Messer, Ind. (Moved 2/25 from “Declined to comment” to “Undecided” because his office says he is still reviewing the principles.)
    John L. Mica, Fla.
    Randy Neugebauer, Texas
    Kristi Noem, S.D.
    Tom Petri, Wis. (Added 2/25, was left off the list in error)
    Martha Roby, Ala.
    Harold Rogers, Ky.
    Pete Sessions, Texas
    Aaron Schock, Ill.
    John Shimkus, Ill.
    Christopher H. Smith, N.J.
    Lee Terry, Neb. (Added 2/25, was left off list in error. His office said he hasn’t seen the plan but that “any plan must have border security and e-verify components.”)
    Pat Tiberi, Ohio
    Lynn Westmoreland, Ga.
    Rob Wittman, Va.
    Steve Womack, Ark.
    Don Young, Alaska

    John Carter, Texas
    Howard Coble, N.C.
    Doug Collins, Ga.
    Steve Daines, Mont.
    John J. Duncan Jr., Tenn.
    Paul Gosar, Ariz.
    Jack Kingston, Ga.
    Gregg Harper, Miss.
    Doc Hastings, Wash.
    Mark Meadows, N.C.
    Devin Nunes, Calif.
    Phil Roe, Tenn.
    Mike Rogers, Mich.
    Dennis A. Ross, Fla.
    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Fla.
    Keith Rothfus, Pa.
    Matt Salmon, Ariz.
    Mike Simpson, Idaho
    Frank R. Wolf, Va.
    Rob Woodall, Ga.
    Todd Young, Ind.

    Robert B. Aderholt, Ala.
    Justin Amash, Mich.
    Spencer Bachus, Ala.
    Joe L. Barton, Texas
    Dan Benishek, Mich.
    Kerry Bentivolio, Mich.
    Jaime Herrera Beutler, Wash.
    Gus Bilirakis, Fla.
    Rob Bishop, Utah
    Diane Black, Tenn.
    Marsha Blackburn, Tenn.
    Charles Boustany Jr., La.
    Kevin Brady, Texas
    Susan W. Brooks, Ind.
    Vern Buchanan, Fla.
    Dave Camp, Mich.
    John Campbell, Calif.
    Bill Cassidy, La.
    Steve Chabot, Ohio
    Jason Chaffetz, Utah
    Mike Coffman, Colo.
    Tom Cole, Okla.
    Chris Collins, N.Y.
    K. Michael Conaway, Texas
    Paul Cook, Calif.
    Ander Crenshaw, Fla.
    John Culberson, Texas
    Sean P. Duffy, Wis.
    Blake Farenthold, Texas
    Stephen Fincher, Tenn.
    Michael G. Fitzpatrick, Pa.
    Chuck Fleischmann, Tenn.
    Bill Flores, Texas
    J. Randy Forbes, Va.
    Jeff Fortenberry, Neb.
    Virginia Foxx, N.C.
    Trent Franks, Ariz.
    Rodney Frelinghuysen, N.J.
    Scott Garrett, N.J.
    Jim Gerlach, Pa.
    Bob Gibbs, Ohio
    Chris Gibson, N.Y.
    Trey Gowdy, S.C.
    Sam Graves, Mo.
    Morgan Griffith, Va.
    Michael G. Grimm, N.Y.
    Brett Guthrie, Ky.
    Richard Hanna, N.Y.
    Andy Harris, Md.
    Joe Heck, Nev.
    Richard Hudson, N.C.
    Bill Huizenga, Mich.
    Randy Hultgren, Ill.
    Robert Hurt, Va.
    Darrell Issa, Calif.
    Lynn Jenkins, Kan.
    Bill Johnson, Ohio
    Sam Johnson, Texas
    Jim Jordan, Ohio
    David Joyce, Ohio
    Mike Kelly, Pa.
    Adam Kinzinger, Ill.
    John Kline, Minn.
    Leonard Lance, N.J.
    James Lankford, Okla.
    Tom Latham, Iowa
    Bob Latta, Ohio
    Frank A. LoBiondo, N.J.
    Billy Long, Mo.
    Frank D. Lucas, Okla.
    Cynthia M. Lummis, Wyo.
    Tom Marino, Pa.
    Vance McAllister, La.
    Kenny Marchant, Texas
    Patrick T. McHenry, N.C.
    David B. McKinley, W.Va.
    Patrick Meehan, Pa.
    Candice S. Miller, Mich.
    Gary G. Miller, Calif.
    Jeff Miller, Fla.
    Shelley Moore Capito, W.Va.
    Markwayne Mullin, Okla.
    Mick Mulvaney, S.C.
    Tim Murphy, Pa.
    Rich Nugent, Fla.
    Alan Nunnelee, Miss.
    Pete Olson, Texas
    Steven M. Palazzo, Miss.
    Erik Paulsen, Minn.
    Scott Perry, Pa.
    Joe Pitts, Pa.
    Ted Poe, Texas
    Mike Pompeo, Kan. (Added 2/25, was left off list in error)
    Bill Posey, Fla.
    Tom Reed, N.Y.
    James B. Renacci, Ohio
    Reid Ribble, Wis.
    Scott Rigell, Va.
    Mike D. Rogers, Ala.
    Todd Rokita, Ind.
    Tom Rooney, Fla.
    Ed Royce, Calif.
    Jon Runyan, N.J.
    Mark Sanford, S.C.
    John Shimkus, Ill.
    David Schweikert, Ariz.
    Austin Scott, Ga.
    Jim Sensenbrenner, Wis.
    Bill Shuster, Pa.
    Adrian Smith, Neb.
    Jason Smith, Mo.
    Steve Southerland II, Fla.
    Chris Stewart, Utah
    Steve Stivers, Ohio
    Mac Thornberry, Texas
    Scott Tipton, Colo.
    Michael R. Turner, Ohio
    Fred Upton, Mich.
    Daniel Webster, Fla.
    Ann Wagner, Mo.
    Greg Walden, Ore.
    Jackie Walorski, Ind.
    Edward Whitfield, Ky.
    Tim Walberg, Mich.
    Brad Wenstrup, Ohio
    Roger Williams, Texas
    Joe Wilson, S.C.
    Kevin Yoder, Kan.
    Ted Yoho, Fla.
    of Republicans for and against. Lots of tea partiers in the latter column, lots of leadership in the former. Roll Call has a point: If they can’t crack two dozen members willing to sign on to a list of “principles,” how many will there be for an actual bill (or series of bills)? Anyway, two X factors here. One, which we’ve discussed before, is Boehner’s willingness to violate the Hastert Rule and pass a legalization bill with mostly Democratic votes. There’s a theory that he’s waiting until the primaries are over to push the bill, to make it easier for Republicans to vote yes. I don’t buy it. It would be such a betrayal, and the timing would be so nakedly political, that I think it’d annoy grassroots conservatives more than if they simply passed something now. He’s probably going to have to do this with a minority of Republicans if he does it at all, regardless of timing, and the only way he’s willing to risk that, I think, is if he’s quietly preparing to retire. Is he?

    The other X factor, which gets less attention, is how many Democrats he can count on to vote yes. Remember, Pelosi has said consistently that her caucus will insist on a path to citizenship for newly legalized illegals. Maybe the GOP plan, which would allow citizenship through existing channels without creating any new ones, would suffice for some Democrats, but it may not suffice for all. And it’s hard to believe that Boehner, after insisting that there’d be no special path to citizenship in whatever his team produces, would suddenly eat his words on that and sell out completely in the name of winning Democratic votes. If anything, considering that Republicans are likely to have a majority in both chambers next year and will be free to write their own immigration bill, it’s in the interest of Obama, Pelosi, and House Dems to make some sort of deal with Boehner now. Maybe that means accepting his “a path, but no special path” compromise in the name of obtaining other concessions. Better to get something now than get nothing tomorrow.

    Or maybe it means walking away and presenting the GOP with this ultimatum: Pass a bill now that Democrats like or else next year Obama, who’s under pressure from his own base, will expand his executive DREAM amnesty from 2012 to include all illegals. Do it the first way and Boehner and his caucus can claim some (small) amount of credit for getting immigration reform done. Do it the second way and the GOP will be under heavy electoral pressure in 2015 to follow Obama’s lead and pass something codifying his executive order before the next election. They won’t want Democrats touting the fact in 2016 that it was only through the largesse of a Democratic president that illegals finally were able to “come out of the shadows.” They’ll want to play catch up, and that means ratifying (in large part) whatever Obama’s done, likely some sort of suspension of deportations. They’re certainly not going to roll back O’s order while Latino voters watch with interest. So that’s where we’re at right now: Boehner’s willingness to break the Hastert Rule versus Obama’s willingness to undertake his most dramatic executive overreach yet. How lucky do you feel?

  2. #2
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Roll call is far behind our work here at ALIPAC. While we will apply their findings to our work, we are already tracking 37 GOP traitors willing to help Obama and the Democrats pass amnesty and here is the current tracking list at...
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    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    Boehner Lacks GOP Support for Immigration Reform

    Tuesday, 25 Feb 2014 10:28 AM
    By Drew MacKenzie

    Speaker John Boehner has maintained that House Republicans "by and large" support immigration reform guidelines proposed at the GOP retreat earlier this month. But a Roll Call survey of every GOP House member reveals that only 19 representatives are willing to go on record backing it.

    Boehner's controversial principles include a pathway to legalization for illegal immigrants and a pathway to citizenship for children brought here illegally. But the plan falls short of providing an immediate pathway to citizenship as outlined in the comprehensive Senate bill passed last year.

    Roll Call studied recent statements by every GOP member of the House to see if they supported Boehner's proposals, and found that just 19 backed the leadership's plans, while two Republicans said "possibly yes."

    Thirty Republicans have freely opposed Boehner's broad initiative, while 22 have not spoken publicly about immigration reform, and another 25 were undecided.

    "Given the number of Republicans who declined to answer or wouldn't give a binary response, it's possible Republicans see support for the broadly worded principles as a proxy for supporting an immigration overhaul this year," Roll Call's Matt Fuller said.
    "But with such a seeming dearth of support, the likelihood Republicans could move legislation — in this Congress or the next — seems bleak."

    Some GOP legislators have gone public with their opposition to the guidelines, notably Rep. Steve King of Iowa, who said undocumented immigrants who are allowed to become citizens will eventually vote for Democrats. "It's political suicide for Republicans to do this," he said.

    North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones told Roll Call, "I will oppose any policy that allows individuals who have cheated the system and entered the country illegally to gain citizenship ahead of those who have put in the time and effort to follow the appropriate process."

    President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union address that he hoped both sides of Congress would pull together to get immigration reform moved this year.

    Roll Call found that the term most often used in its immigration research was "amnesty." And Texas Rep. Michael. Burgess said, "Amnesty by any other name is still amnesty."

    The speaker's main idea is to put forth separate bills, which will also deal with such issues as border security, guest worker rules, and the hiring of illegal immigrants.

    Roll Call pointed out that there are enough votes to pass Boehner's principles if virtually every Democrat supports the proposals, as well. Boehner, however, recently took the immigration overhaul off the table because the GOP does not believe that Obama can be trusted to enforce new immigration laws.

    Roll Call showed its GOP vote tally to Boehner's spokesman Michael Steel, who said the Ohio congressman's position remains the same.

    "House Republicans by and large support the immigration principles, but members — and the American people — simply don't trust that the Obama administration will implement any part of immigration reform it doesn't like or support," Steel said, adding, "It is going to be difficult to move any immigration legislation."
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    GOP Plans Suicide With Amnesty Meeting

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    Added second article above to the Homepage with slightly amended title:
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