I'm sending the following letter to the editor of a local newspaper with a large reading base by the end of June 27. Since there is a 200 word limit (used to be 250 limit), what do you think can be edited and removed?

I will likely be adding a final paragraph of a sentence or two on an upcoming rally in my area this weekend, after approval from the main organizer of the event.

If anyone sees any glaring errors, I appreciate feedback too. If my letter is published, I will post it in these forums.

Here is a link to the original newspaper article:
http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... ht=#167455

June 27, 2006

Dear Editor:

The AP reporter who wrote, “Mega homes are immigrants’ fruit,” seemed to be seeking sympathy for hard working migrants who flood the USA by the millions each year. This reporter failed to reveal some relevant facts on how and why so many illegal aliens are able to obtain the "American Dream" whether in the USA or their home countries.

The article revolves around Boye, Mexico, a small village of 900 people, where “as many as 80% of Boye’s schoolchildren drop out to sneak over the border.” The article also mentions, “Last year, Mexican migrants sent home a record $20 billion, making them Mexico’s biggest foreign earner after oil … “ The article further mentions two successful migrants who worked several years in furniture factories, waiting table and fast food in Hickory. Yet, somehow they managed to send as much as $500 a month to relatives in Mexico. Now, these individuals are leading luxurious lifestyles in Boye in large gated homes while their neighbors who didn’t migrate and mooch off Uncle Sam are mostly still living in poverty.

Some of America’s struggling poor and vanishing middle class who haven’t woken up yet to the illegal alien invasion crisis, may wonder how someone who works at such low paying jobs could possibly afford to save up to $500 per month. Well they can if they: Use hospital ERs as doctor offices, then skip on paying the bills; birth anchor babies; use Medicaid, subsidized housing, food stamps, WIC, and other welfare; obtain illegally FHA-backed mortgages; work under the table (many do) through unscrupulous employers thus avoiding taxes; live more than one or several families to single family dwellings; etc.

Foreign leaders such as Mexico’s Vicente Fox want to hoard the wealth and not tax themselves too much and expect to freeload off the USA by encouraging their citizens to illegally migrate. They keep the majority of their citizens in poverty with a very few wealthy at the top, then use the USA as their cash cow. Citizens of third world countries need to demand of their leaders a better way of life.

The combination of job losses, depressed wages/benefits for US citizens as well as illegal’s welfare abuse drains taxpayers, and it shows they are hurting - not helping - this country. Add to that the billions sent home in remittances every year not only to Mexico but several other foreign countries. Add to that the public education and in some states in-state college tuition for the children of illegal aliens. Add further the corporate insourcing, outsourcing and offshoring of jobs, and the picture for America’s future is bleak, indeed. If these continue, soon the USA will be a third world economy.
