Have some information, that I thought might be interesting, and maybe a bit of a highlight for us.

Husbands co-worker, legally here from Mexico, spoke to him today about something that was bothering him.

He has his two sons in a soccer team. After the game, a whole group of the other parents walked up to him to talk about jobs. These are all Latino, according to him, and most, he admitted after my husband asked, are here illegally.

They all knew he still had a good steady job, and of course felt he had some insight or could help. They talked to him and all admitted they are not finding, or getting work, and some said it was due to their lack of documentation. No food stamps either anymore, or free health care.

Some said they were not even sure how they would pay the rent next month.

He felt upset, as these are people he knows, and likes, my husband did not argue that with him, but he reminded him, when he edged towards lamenting about the use of E-Verify. My husband said "but they're here illegally, and taking work from legal immigrants and Americans, and now this nation is suffering from the weight of that for so long".

His co-worker did not argue that point, he just nodded his head.

Again, back to where we live, we see a lot of the cars gone in early morning, but back by about 11am. I have to presume that they went out for at least day work, and found none. I see a lot of the guys home during the days now, more than ever before.

We all have to keep hoping that this terrible slump, or more appropriate to say depression, will purge our nation of what has been weighing us down for a while now.

This tells me, I need to, for my part, keep up the pressure on my elected officials to work to keep E-Verify. If we do and are successful in at least that, with the jobs losses already, and E-Verify, we can watch the slow, but constant flow out of this nation, of illegal aliens.