-Numbers USA membership is up 50% in the last month alone, I believe the numbers stated were: They initially started with 20,000 members, and now have a membership of over 200,000. When they put out a request for people to contact a particular member of the Senate recently, he said he got a phone call within a half hour asking him to "call off his dogs" from a very distraught staff member.

-Congressman Tancredo was practically falling over himself trying to congratulate and thank the members of "the movement" for their tenacity and all that we've done for this.

-If we manage to kill this thing where it stands, right now, in the Senate...the probability that we will see the same bill again any time in the near future is low....but if we allow this thing to get through the Senate, even if it dies in the House....we will have to fight this battle every year, until they squeeze it past us.