I did not, until yesterday, when it was pointed out by William in one of his releases.. In fact, in all the editorials and articles that I read and were posted on ALIPAC over the last several weeks, none of them mentioned this fact (that I saw). I researched this bill vigorously and put together a dozen different types of letters to send to Senators, and in all my talking points against the DREAM Act, I never mentioned this one. We really need to keep this point in mind, when Dick & Harry bring it back up again (before November 16). In effect, it is a never ending amnesty!

Below, is an excerpt, from a letter I received from the U.S. Border Control today:

The Dream Act is a Continuing Amnesty
(the gift that keeps on giving!)

Unlike the Amnesty bills from the Senate for the past 2 years, the DREAM Act is a continuing program, not just a one-time amnesty.

The amnesty that was defeated a few months back was an amnesty for all those illegal aliens currently living here, but the Dream Act will continue year after year, as long as illegal aliens continue to bring their children across the border with them.

Of course neither Dick Durbin nor Ted Kennedy thought to mention this to their colleagues, hoping it would be lost in the shuffle. Consequently, most people and most Senators remain totally unaware of this dangerous aspect of the amendment.

Hopefully, if you ask your Sentors the following questions, it make give them a much-needed wake up call to oppose this disastrous amendment.

"Does the Senator realize that DREAM is a permanent, cycling amnesty with no end, not just "one-time" amnesty?

"Please ask the Senator for me exactly how many times do the American people have to demand NO MORE AMNESTY before our elected officials honor our request?"