Both DNC and RNC are looking for funds and votes. It is important to e-mail and resign from the party. This is a powerful message and if done in great numbers will have an effect. I sent the following letter.

TO: Republican National Committee
RE: Resignation from the Republican Party
I have changed my voting registration from Republican to Independent. You can no longer count on me to vote or to financially support the Party. There are many major reasons I have made this decision. I shall list several.
1. Self appointed God, Jon Kyle informs us that the present immigration laws can not be enforced. He has accepted a salary from the taxpayers to write enforceable laws. This is fraud. I suggest he refund the salary and purchase fencing material and move to the border and build the fence. Incompetence is a safety issue. Probably no construction company could afford the liability. Incompetent
2. Self appointed God, Arlan Specter defined his responsibility as using his judgment over the voices of the electorate. This is the Man whose infallible judgment lead him to cast a Scottish vote in the US Senate. Does his elevator stop on all the Floors? Questionable mental competence
3. Self appointed God, George Bush used taxpayers money to bribe Senators to vote for legislation the Citizens has overwhelming rejected. He blackmailed Senators with a threat to ignore his Constitutional duty to protect the USA if he did not get the legislation he demanded. Sleazy
4. Self appointed God, Lindsay Graham pronounced all who defy his superior wisdom are bigots. He also lied and denied about the reform immigration bill. I know because I actually read it. Arrogant liar
5. Self appointed God, Trent Lott expressed his annoyance with Citizens who dare phone to express an opinion. He broadcast that his vote would not change regardless to how many calls he gets and further he wanted legislation to silence the voices that opposed his views. Dangerous
6. Self appointed God, John McCain proudly declares he does what he thinks is best. After all those years in the Senate, he does not understand his job description. IQ?
7. Self appointed God, Mel Martinez has an anti-American agenda and allegiance to Foreigners. Treacherous.
These self appointed Gods surround themselves with flunky wannabes. Michael Chertoff is in charge of our security. He can not distinguish his ass from a hole in the ground. Johnny Sutton is a major abuser of governmental power. Roberto Gonzales evidently has Alzheimer’s. There is much more, but you get the idea.
I refuse to be slimed by affiliation. Good-by.