I saw this, and enjoyed it thought you guys might also.

I just talked to my sister-in-law,who lives in florida.
She has been trying for a long time to help the illegals,she is one falling for,they are all hard workers etc.
She told me that she just quit the organization,that is helping illegals there.
They had been getting more and more vocal against,whites and america.
They were talking to her today,and celebrating the senate giving them amnesty.
They are all getting ready to get their paper work up, and pay the little fine,and the other stuff the senate is wanting.
Anyway they were saying, well we are showing the white MOD EDIT ^^^that they can't get rid of us.
That was all my sister-in-law could take,she said,I want nothing else to do with you people.
She told them you haven't won anything yet, this has to get by congress.
We now have another helper guys, she is going to help fight this illegal alien invasion,with us.
Some people will catch on,these people are here to take over.
