This is Matthew Salisbury's policy on Immigration. He's running against Bill Sali in the primaries this month here in Idaho.


This complicated debate has no simple resolution.

The Federal Amnesty Law enacted in 1986 was never fully implemented as intended. Laws not enforced for 20+ years breed cynicism, abuse, and indifference.

The need for workers in many sectors of the economy, however, did not go away. As a result, illegal immigrants and not legal documented guest workers are meeting those needs.

Children born in America of these illegal immigrants are American citizens but the use of these children as so called anchor babies is an abuse of the system.

My solution provides for a system that does not compromise our national security, the economy or the American taxpayer. What I envision is legislation that creates a simple, measurable guest worker program that allows for motivated foreign nationals to eventually earn their citizenship like others wishing to become U.S. citizens.

This system includes:

Biometric Identification Cards using existing technology
Mandatory deductions from guest workers wages to create a Self Insurance Pool for health insurance, eliminating the financial burden on the taxpayer
National grace period for illegal workers to register for the ID card
Anyone arrested after the enrollment grace period without a card wouldbe deported
One year after the enactment of the guest worker program, any breach ofthe border would be considered a threat to national security. As such, anyone
apprehended would be permanently banned from entering the U.S. or ever obtaining U.S. citizenship. Names would appear on the existing national law enforcement database as a known criminal.
Federal and State penitentiaries would slowly process and deliver illegal alien inmates to their country of origin. These inmates would be biometrically
recorded and also banned from entering the U.S. or ever obtaining U.S. citizenship.
This plan enables the border to be secured while guest workers cross freely back and forth without compromising border security or their safety.
This plan will have a major impact both on drug cartels that frequently use illegal immigrants as smugglers and potential terrorists