[quote]One of the most frustrating aspects of being part of the immigration enforcement and reform movement is the inertia that seems to develop over the course of time. When looking at the sheer scale of the problem-over 20 million illegals in the country, with over half a million coming every single year-many of us are tempted to throw up our hands in despair.

That’s why small, yet tangible and concentrated, efforts to address this problem are so essential. And that is why I’m pleased to bring you news of a fantastic new project being undertaken by Mr. Henry Buhl, a civic activist, generous philanthropist, and long-time ally of our cause.
Mr. Buhl was at the forefront of the Coalition for a Secure Driver’s License, which was instrumental in stopping former Governor Elliot Spitzer from continuing his drive to give every illegal alien driver in this state a valid Department of Motor Vehicles-issued ID.

Now he’s leading an organization called the Coalition to Protect American Workers, which is a self-described “private, humanitarian effort assisting the voluntary repatriation of people unlawfully present in the United States.â€