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  1. #1
    swtncgram's Avatar
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    Don't push me Mr. Bush

    If you visit the White House's official web-site, click on the "National Security" link and then the "Immigration" link therein, you will find the following statement written near the top of the page. "The Administration is committed to building and maintaining an immigration service system that ensures integrity, provides timely and accurate services, and emphasizes a culture of respect." Sounds good doesn't it? Ensuring of integrity... timely, accurate and respectful... committed. All fine words to be sure, but unfortunately they are ONLY words. In my estimation none of them have any real meaning at all when applied to our current immigration system.

    Predictably, nowhere on this or any other related White House web-page could I find even an allusion to the President's recently announced immigration plan to afford "limited" legal status to illegal aliens currently working in the United States. You'd think it would be plastered all over the thing... that is, if it were something the President was really committed to. I guess when it comes to publicizing this particular "temporary worker program" though, George W. Bush is somewhat less than enthusiastic. Still, I imagine his handlers will begin spinning his intentions under the most flattering of lights in any number of venues soon enough.

    The President's proposal, by the way, would also allow a certain amount of foreign workers to enter the country legally if jobs await them, yet does not address the issue of all the other aliens who will try to come here with no intention of working, or the ones already here who are either gang-bangers, racist rabble-rousers, drug dealers or terrorists. Will they get legal status too?

    This should come as no surprise to anyone, however, since he, like so many of his governmental ilk, has apparently decided to completely ignore the will of the vast majority of Americans and reward millions of illegals with a shot at citizenship instead of preserving the integrity our laws and holding these people to account for their misdeeds. And, of course, no one in his administration is willing to call this new plan "amnesty for illegal aliens," which is precisely what it amounts to. No, they prefer more politically correct terms like "legitimacy assistance for undocumented workers" and other such tripe.

    Still, this shameful attempt to pander to potential hispanic voters (and make no mistake about it, that's exactly what this is) will amount to nothing short of full amnesty in time, and everyone in our government, both Republican and Democrat alike, knows it. You can dress it up anyway you like Mr. President, but the fact remains that you're selling out your honor and your country for a few cheap votes, and don't go thinking this little stunt is going unnoticed by conservatives everywhere. No politician can exhibit such clear disregard for the wishes of his constituency without paying a price at the polls. You may wish to keep that in mind as the year 2004 progresses.

    How anyone can seriously claim to be concerned with the security of this nation, while simultaneously encouraging illegal immigration and rewarding those involved in it, is beyond me. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not so naive as to believe that we can simply hunt down ten million or more illegal aliens overnight and start loading them onto buses, but understanding our limitations in this respect doesn't mean that I also think we should just throw up our hands and embrace those people who have shown contempt for our laws.

    Before we can even consider dealing with the current glut of illegals in our country, we first need to put a tourniquet on the hemorrhaging Mexican border, but few of our leaders are even considering that fact. Giving illegal aliens incentives to play by the rules after they've already broken those rules by crossing our borders in the dead of night is preposterous, as well as a slap in the face to everyone who has ever endeavored to become an American citizen legally. Such a scheme will also encourage others to follow in the footsteps of previous lawbreakers for years to come. After all, why should anyone waste their time untangling the web of bureaucratic red tape necessary to gain citizenship status in this country if they can avoid doing so and still become a citizen?

    Mr. Bush has argued that the country will be safer if his plan is enacted because it will give officials a better idea of who is crossing the border. This is a ludicrous assertion, since the sort of people we want to keep an eye on aren't coming here to work in the first place. Most of the people who would be given legal status are already here anyway, and giving newcomers legal status won't help us in any way to ascertain the identities of people who will be trying to illegally enter our country in the future and do harm to our society in any number of ways. Affording some foreign workers legal status won't stop all of the people who want to come here from sneaking in, and to even suggest that it might is ridiculous.

    The President also mentioned that our economy would be helped by his plan because employers' needs will be met. What he failed to mention was that those are the needs of employers who have been illegally exploiting desperate Mexican workers for decades, and are as deserving of punishment for their own wrongdoings as any illegal alien is. If we're so concerned with filling those fruit picking and dish washing positions in this country, I suggest that we give every homeless person in every major city a choice... either get to work or go to jail. The ones who are too emotionally unstable or mentally incompetent to work for a living should be escorted to some nice, warm, rubber room somewhere. But I digress.

    If you want my vote in November, Mr. President, I strongly urge you to reevaluate your stand on immigration and divest yourself of the political interests to which you are currently committed. I have no intention whatsoever of voting for a Democrat in the coming election, but if push should come to shove, I will have no qualms about voting for myself. At least I know where I stand, and I'm not about to betray my principles to get anyone else's vote.

  2. #2
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    Before we can even consider dealing with the current glut of illegals in our country, we first need to put a tourniquet on the hemorrhaging Mexican border, but few of our leaders are even considering that fact. Giving illegal aliens incentives to play by the rules after they've already broken those rules by crossing our borders in the dead of night is preposterous, as well as a slap in the face to everyone who has ever endeavored to become an American citizen legally
    The name of this article really made me happy because that's just how so many of us feel.


    Oh how I wish he'd take a trip to a distant continent and STAY THERE FOREVER !!

    Isn't there a King or a Queen who would send him an invitation that he can't refuse ????!!! He just LOVES those "royal" trips. Most dictators do.

    Where's a king or a queen when you need one ?
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    He'll probably force a terrible immigration bill down our throats and then go take a "royal" trip while we're sitting here infuriated !!!

    "DON'T PUSH US, Mr. BUSH."

    By next week there isn't going to be ANY approval to even rate. He's going to have a 100% DISAPPROVAL Rating !!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member Sailor's Avatar
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    The President was stating on TV yesterday that anyone coming to America should speak english. However, if you go to the official white house web site you can get a spanish translation of the site by clicking espanol at the top of the page. Why have this if everyone should speak english? C'mon Mr. President, stop the double talk!!!
    "Send them Back." "Build a damn wall and be done with it."
    Janis McDonald, Research Specialist, University of Pittsburg, 2006

  5. #5
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    this PLAN would legalize members of MS-13 that ICE is trying to deport.
    this PLAN would legalize pedophiles, murderers and rapists
    this PLAN would legalize al Quaeda operatives in this country who will then have Constitutional rights

    the President took an oath to 'preserve, protect and defend' the Constitution for the United States that was to provide for OUR 'common defense and general welfare,' but instead his allegiance is to corporate America and their desire for cheap labor and the general welfare of Mexico

    the federal government is making a bad mistake by bullying the American people that in the past have turned the other cheek -- you can only bully a people for so long
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  6. #6
    swtncgram's Avatar
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    the President took an oath to 'preserve, protect and defend'
    Not only the President, but other members of our government think the protection, preservation and defense of other countries and their people far out weigh the protection, preservation and defense of the people who voted them in. What was once a strong country that some feared and others looked up to is becoming a country of pussy whipped government leaders.

  7. #7
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    I only skimmed the article, but it said something about the President being a 'little less than enthusiastic about amnesty' - not true.

    He just doesn't want to announce it in big letters on the web page.

    This has been his aim since he was elected. It was almost the first, if not the first, item on his agenda. He has been pushing it one way or another since then. It just hasn't been out in the open.

    Why do you think he vocally encouraged them to come here? Why do you think he hamstrung the Border Patrol? He wanted more and more of them here so we could see the very thing we are now seeing - demonstrations in our streets by foreigners determined to take over our country. That way he could say, 'But you can't deport ALL of them!"

    Wrong, Mr. President, we can.

    While the Republicans or Democrats might like their votes - it has little to do with that. It has everything to do with diluting the American culture, conscience, and economy, so globalization can come about much faster.

    The American mindset is an independent one. The American middle class mindset is even more independent. Most middle class Americans made it on their own. They are cocky and self-assured. That had to be wiped out in order for the globalization to take place. It has just about been accomplished.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #8
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    I feel anger, at myself mostly, that I let myself be taken in so bad by my President. I have defended him to the bitter end, and that bitter end for me is the eye opening esperience on Illegal immigration, calling good citizens wanting to keep our borders safe vigilantes and the whoring, pardon for that language could not think of a better word,of our nations security and national defense to the UAE?I am not a racist against all Arabs but given our history with some of them (911)how can we entrust our national security to them, it is totally ludicrous to me that we would trust them to make parts of military tanks and other defense weapons.We just got out of the port deal and here we go again! They may be helping us with the war on terror, I don't know, but I do know how easy it is for any company or organization to be infiltrated by jihadist bent on killing Americans! Have our leaders gone insane? I almost feel like I am calling down more calamities on us, but what more could our government leaders do to us? You use to see our first lady out and about doing some good things, havent seen her out much for the last 6 months, I wonder if she could be having some disagreements with her hubby about some of these things he is hell bent on doing? I think the person is right about the tone down of the language on their site , yes they are for amnesty for 20 to 30 million illegals, we are only fooling ourself, if we believe it is 11 to 12 milllion!I hope if this amnesty thing does go through ,that a whole lot of them settle around crawford tx to live don't you? I think I just might find and read that book written by some woman about the skull and bones society, the one that some of the Yale elite students belong to, the one that Bush and Kerry both belong to, think it might make for some interesting reading! Yes, Mr Bush, you have finally pushed me into a corner and I can be a rabid animal if pushed far enough.To the mod,If that is to strong a language, I apologise for using it in this forum, I just couldn't think of a more fitting word then rabid for how I feel right now, livid maybe?
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  9. #9
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    I feel anger, at myself mostly, that I let myself be taken in so bad by my President. I have defended him to the bitter end, and that bitter end for me is the eye opening esperience on Illegal immigration, calling good citizens wanting to keep our borders safe vigilantes and the whoring, pardon for that language could not think of a better word,of our nations security
    Nittygritty, that is well said. If it is any consolation there are millions of Americans who defended him until the bitter end. He has failed us Nittygritty, and he was given EVERY opportunity to succeed as a U.S. President, and he even had the chance to be a great president.

    We can no longer hold on to false hope that he will change. To be honest it seems as though he has long passed the place in the road where he could have made a U-turn. It would be foolish and even dangerous for our country to continue to believe there is any hope for our country through this man.

    We must be strong and we must continue to unite in our fight for what is right for our country. So be brave and be strong, continue to speak out and fight back using EVERY LEGAL channel that you possibly can.

    Except for the act that he puts on for the world to see, he is losing his reign over us as each day passes. The world may not know it or believe it yet, but the American people do, and that's what really matters.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  10. #10
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    LegalUSCitizen, thanks for the support and you can bet I will continue to fight with every avaliable means, legal means that is, what is happening to our country! 6 months back my brother and I were discussing Bush, trying to hang in there and defend him and my brother said this is a fact"He will either go down in our history as being one of the greatest, or, he will go down as being the worst president we ever had" He was so right about that and I think we can both see at least I can, how he is going. It's a little harder for my brother as he has a son in the army in Iraq on his second tour, so he try's to be a little more optimistic then I do. It is hard to tell your son who is fighting for his life that you no longer have any faith in his commander and chief! Myself, I will not denigrate him to my nephew, I don't have to do that as he is doing such a great job of that on his own. My real fear is this man has almost 3 more yrs in office how far down can he take us before that time is over, and can we expect a real hero to take his place when his is over or just someone else like him or worse and I mean from both parties. Neither party is is anything to brag about right now!
    Build the dam fence post haste!

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