Some of you might remember this site mentioning a film project involving Joanna Marzuallo-founder and president of New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement-some time ago. The film, directed by NYU grad student Caterina Andreano, focuses on the national debate surrounding the Dream Act, with a particular focus on New York City.

While the legislative battle over the Dream Act, whose proponents have been attempting to enact it into law for well over a decade, might have been obviated by an administrative directive of dubious constitutionality, the question of who is entitled to United States citizenship remains as pertinent as it was when this issue was being debated as a stand-alone bill. In fact, if the Gang of Eight’s scheme is implemented, we will experience an enhanced, super-sized version of the Dream Act, eligible to “youths” who are well into middle age.

That’s why discussing this issue is so crucial, and works such Catherine’s documentary so important. You’ll find Joanna’s role-including an interview and footage of NY ICE’s street activism-starting at approximately nine minutes and forty seconds into the video. Feel free to discuss your feelings about the film-as well as the Dream Act itself-below.