OK BADWORD it. We're starting our own gang says Dreamer

We tried to obey the law but they don't give a f.... about us, calling us criminals, telling us to get the f... out and die. We're starting our own movement like the Black Panthers and calling ourselves Ghost Dreamers. There are 2.1 million members in our gang. Good moral characters? **** it, they weren't planning to give us shit in the first place.

IT and Computer Science majors hack Fox News and ALIPAC website. Architecture Majors and Metropolitan Engineering Majors design a tunnel under a bank and Mechanical Engineering Majors proceed to dig the tunnel. Electrical Engineers cut camera wires and power outlets and take millions from the fools who want us dead. Finance majors gain insights into a bank and Computer Engineering Majors design a Debit card swap and take millions to support our cause.

Law School Dreamers find devious ways to continue to smuggle. They're complaining about 12 mil? Now we got 50 mil mother ****ers. We'll ****ing force you to change the law.

Real Estate Majors move our headquarters from place to place to avoid detection from the police. Business Management Majors and Accounting majors manage our budgets.

Dreamers who wanted to join the Marines join us instead and take care of Sessions, King and Rubio in Al Capone style. Med School Dreamers and Nursing majors treat our Dreamers shot by police during our revolution.

How did African Americans gain human rights? Raising awareness by demanding their rights, getting sprayed with fire hose and by getting beaten by police. Otherwise white supremacists don't give a **** about you. They're the same people who enslaved South America and conduct human experiments on children in Africa.

http:// dreamact(dot)info/forum/showthread(DOT)php?t=18146