I'm really tempted to log on over there so I can seriously discuss with them a compromise I would settle on.

No financial aid at all.

No chain migration. People shouldn't be able to come here "to live" just because they are related to someone who legally lives here. That could potentially chain migrate everyone in the world to the US.

Their primary hurdle is they want to live in the US while in the waiting line. That, IMO, misses the point of the waiting line. If they are here on temporary visas, work permits, whatever while waiting to be legally here. I'd say that doesn't count. The legal immigrants are all waiting in their native countries while they stand in line and it would be unfair to them to allow the illegals to wait here in the us in the same line. They must leave and then wait.

I would be willing to compromise on this. Be nicer, more accomadating, more compassionate to the 300,000 children if it weren't for the other 12 -30 million illegal aliens that are here.

First prove to me you will secure the borders and stop all illegal border crossings. Don't prove to me you will do it, prove to me you have already done it. ie. do it first then we'll talk.

Second show me you are serious about deporting the illegal aliens that are here by deporting them. ok, maybe you can't deport all 30 million. How about starting by deporting 200,000 a month. Maintain that quota for a year or two and then we can talk about being compassionate to the few remaining souls.

Third deport my ex-wife. She only married me so she could come to America. She should not be rewarded by getting a path to legal citizenship. I will not be satisfied with anything less then deportation and not being allowed to get in line for another visa for a period of not less than 5 years. Do that and then we can talk about being compassionate to the few remaining illegal immigrants. When I say deportation I don't mean issue her a deportation order and expect her to leave. I mean pick her up and ship her home.