I everyone, good news, I rec'd this from Mona (the Chapman PR woman) to post..

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Honolulu, HI - Duane “Dog” Chapman and his attorneys, William Bollard and Brook Hart, have called a press conference to make a major announcement re the extradition case, as follows:

WHO: Duane “Dog” Chapman, William Bollard, and Brook Hart, with Beth Chapman, Tim Chapman, and Leland Chapman
WHEN: Friday, October 20, 2006 • 10:00 a.m. (Hawaii Time)
WHERE: Neal Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall, Honolulu, Hawaii

Duane “Dog” Chapman, star of the top-rated A&E television show DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER, was arrested last month by U.S. marshals in Hawaii on charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in his June 18, 2003, capture in Mexico of cosmetics heir Andrew Luster. Also arrested were Leland Chapman, Duane’s son, and Timothy Chapman, their associate. The three spent one night in the Federal Detention Center in Honolulu, and were released after posting bail. The three have been ordered to appear at an extradition hearing, which has not yet been scheduled.

Since the arrest, hundreds of thousands of fans from across the country and around the world – including 29 members of Congress – have been pleading with the U.S. and Mexican authorities for their freedom and holding them up as “heroes” for bringing serial rapist Luster to justice. Luster is serving a 124-year prison sentence for his heinous crimes against the women he drugged, raped, and videotaped.

For more information, please visit www.dogthebountyhunter.com.