Check this one out and get ready to get sick:

Organizing for Action, the offshoot of President Obama’s campaign committee, is now supporting Republicans — a few of them, at least.
OFA has begun demonstrating in favor of Republicans who publicly support a new path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, along with urging them to pressure their colleagues to join them. Among these Republicans is 2012 GOP vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

I've been chopping at the bit to drive up to Paul Ryan's Congressional office in Janesville, WI to demonstrate but I don't know a sole up there in Wisc. and nobody around the Chicago area that would drive up there with me. Turns out that the only people that are demonstrating up there in his district are brainwashed O-BOTs that support the destruction of their society. Too bad we couldn't move all the 25-40 million illegals and their relatives they will bring into the country into Paul Ryan's district and build a wall around it. Looks like the folks in his district DESERVE it.