Here is a list of official endorsements Duncan Hunter has received to date. There are possibly others, this is just what I can find easily. These are not acclaims, they are actual endorsements:

Missouri Republican Assembly (MRA) Nov. 2007

"Congressman Hunter is a true social conservative and honestly represents the Republican Wing of the Republican Party, when you add together Duncan Hunter's commitment to the military, American jobs, and fighting for family and life issues, there is no better choice for President."

Nevada Republican Assembly Jan. 2008

Members of the assembly cited Hunter as their choice for president "for his stand on the...the sanctity of life, support of [the] constitution, 2nd Amendment rights, security of [the] borders, limited government..."

"Electing the most qualified candidate as leader is the aspiration of all democratic societies and political systems. Trusting that America will not prove to be an exception, is pleased to endorse Duncan Hunter for President, for five compelling reasons."

Five reasons here: ... ornia.html

Joseph Farah, founder, editor & CEO of World Net Daily (WND)

"I will certainly not follow Tancredo's lead in supporting Romney. Romney is a pretender to the throne. He launched his campaign for the Republican nomination by running contrary to virtually every major position and action he has previously taken in public life."

"He's my guy because on all the major issues facing this country, Hunter is right. And he is a proven leader who gets the job done."

Brigadier General Chuck Yeager

"Duncan Hunter served with the 173rd Airborne and 75th Rangers in Vietnam,â€