You folks in Illinois need to strongly support this guy!

Steve Sauerberg " Cut Taxes No Amnesty"

Steve Stands:

Illegal Immigration
"I oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. As Senator I will work to 1) secure our borders, 2) oppose any effort to provide amnesty or incentives to illegals and 3) immediately deport illegal immigrants..."

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"I think we should trust individuals and families with more of their own money. I will be a leader in protecting taxpayers..."

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Security Here and Abroad
"We must stand strong and firm and take all steps necessary to protect the families of our great country, ensuring their safety both here at home and abroad..."

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"As a family physician and small business owner I see everyday how our healthcare system has become too confusing, too expensive and inaccessible to many Americans..."

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Social Security
"It is imperative the federal government, through a bi-partisan effort, live up to its promise and responsibility to protect both our seniors and social security..."

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Energy/Alternative Fuels
"I believe that as a nation we need to increase the use of alternative fuels to stop our dependence on foreign oil, increase our domestic oil supply including refining capacity..."

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Environment/Open Space
"Clean air and clean water can co-exist with job creation and economic growth. I support the conservation of our resources and the protection of open spaces..."

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"A graduate of his local public school system, and the father of two children who also attended public schools, Steve Sauerberg understands the importance of all our children..."

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