Everything in quotes is from a poster and everything not in quotes is from me.

The housing market in Houston is dominated by Mexican labor. Houses in Houston are cheaper than in Louisiana.
Why, because the builder is keeping all the profit? No, because he can cut his expenses and in return can sell them to you and I cheaper than his competition.
Are you so nieve to believe a builder would pass along ALL the savings on to the consumer just b/c they pay their workforce 1/3 what other constractors do? Get real. Heres what happens, contractor will build the home for you using Mexican laborers and while he pays them less, he will offer you a better price then the competition, but just as PigDog has pointed out, that does not mean he's not taking a bigger profit margin vs the legit contractors.

And it's funny you bring up the competition.. Because lets face it, if the competition can't compete, they will start going out of business.. Which means, less sales tax and income tax collected by whatever city and state you live in. Which means, your property taxes or other things are more likely to go up due to such factors. Also, when the competition has gone out of business, are you ok being stuck with a bunch of criminals building your house? And yes, they are criminals when they hire illegals.

The result is that I improve my standard of living.
At the expense of American jobs and decreased wages. I'm so impressed with your patriotism.

The bottom line is that they are doing the jobs that we don’t want to do anymore because we have become so fat and lazy. And stupid. The average American can’t even change the oil in his car anymore.
Prior to 1965 when the disastrous Immigration Bill was passed, there was very little immigration. In fact, between 1925 and 1965, there was even a period of net emigration out of the United States. During this time, our grass was getting cut, our meat was being packed, our children were being watched and our houses were being cleaned. The idea that somehow we suddenly can't run a country without an unlimited supply of foreigners is absurd.

Those in favor of foreign labor are corporations who are addicted to cheap labor. They are the ones who are benefiting. But their benefit comes at the American tax payer's expense when you consider that the American tax payer is virtually subsidizing the labor costs of the greedy corporations by supplying the illegal foreign workers and their families with welfare, free education, free medical, WICs, housing assistance, etc. -- something the corporations won't do.

Americans won't allow themselves to be exploited like illegals do, but they WILL do the work that illegals do for fair compensation and benefits. If Americans did the work that illegals do at higher pay, would that benefit the consumer? You bet it would in the long run. But many Americans who do not care about America's future are consumers who favor the idea of exploiting illegal workers because it keeps commodity and service prices down in the short term.

There are hundreds of thousands of people displaced by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Are they out pounding the pavement looking for work? No, they are laying around waiting on a check from the government and will get insulted if you ask them to go to work.
First off, you infer that ALL do not want to work, which is untrue. Ever relative in my family has stated that they'd had at least one evacuee come to work for them.

Second, those people you so elegantly and shamelessly put down are OUR people. Why are you trying to justify the illegal activities of those who aren't even Americans?

Being bilingual I want them as my customers. After I start making money off of them I will increase my standard of living even more.
I welcome them!!!

And no, I’m not worried about my job.
After the Senate passes the HR 4437, you might go out of business. And I hope you do.