I have some bad news. E-verify is not in the Senate version of the Stimulus crapsandwich. Senator Sessions asked the horse's ass majority leader Reid to bring the amendment to the floor for a vote as he said it is important to ensure that applicants don't use stolen social security numbers but Reid so no and there would be no more amendments. He has shown he doesn't care if struggling taxpayers are forced to subside more cheap labor pouring across the border and also doesn't care about identity theft since he also pushed the sham of an SCHIP Expansion which now allows illegal aliens to obtain free healthcare using stolen social security numbers. He said there will be debates only on Saturday Sunday and Monday and cloture on Tuesday. I guess this shows how little this government cares about unemployed Americans. We need to pull all our resources together nationwide to get this pompous elitest horse's ass out of the congress before he does any more damage to what remains of this country. Does Nevada have any provisions for recalling their senators? If so I will help in anyway I can as I have friends and will do whatever I can including contacting Lou Dobbs producer who I constantly call. It is time for this miserable waste of oxygen, space, taxpayer dollars and complete waste of a human being to be retired and sent home.