Easy methods for ICE to stop illegal alien day laborers.

I assume ICE reads this site so I have some tips for you to stop illegal alien day labor sites quickly.

1. Secure the area surrounding the hiring zone. Have ICE agents come up to the area with megaphones and announce in english, spanish, and any other language spoken at the hiring zone what is going on. Everyone is detained while they are checked for immigration status, if you're illegal you're arrested and if you're legal you are let off with a warning notice that these places are illegal and that they shouldn't catch you at one again. Doing this on a regular basis would stop these zones all together not to mention letting illegals know we mean business. (was a little too excessive on this one before to put it mildly)

2.ICE Agents rent a bunch of vans/trucks/cars etc. and pose as contractors/individuals and pickup as many illegals as possible and arrest them afterwards.

3.Unmarked cars follow contractors/individuals hiring illegal aliens. The car is then pulled over by police assisting ICE and everyone is arrested and fined. This would make employers think twice before hiring an illegal alien and word would get around quick with contractors of who was arrested and fined.