If you are one of the people who said that most people would not work the jobs that the illegals are working, then you, miss or mister are so wrong. I am an American. Born and raised in Southern California. As I write this, I am out of work now for one year. At first, I thought to myself, no problem. I have never had a hard time finding a job. But as the economy grew more frightening, so did my hopes in finding work. I have applied everywhere from Wal-Mart to fast food restaurants to no avail.

[b]Granted, I am old. An aging 51-year-old grandma who has been in the work force since the age of 12 and has never called in sick a day in her life, yet … I cannot even get a second interview. I will work for minimum wage. I will work any hours, any days, any job. So for all you illegals out there and the people who support you here in the states, I say “I’ll take that job.â€