Letters published in the Times
El Paso Times Staff
El Paso Sun Times Letters 10-7-2007

Revolving door on immigration

Thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds are caught and sent back to Mexico each day only to come back and get back in.

I have two family members with the Border Patrol who also agree El Paso is the revolving door for this expensive and ineffective system, not to mention the drug element. With elected officials such as Reyes, who went from "hold the line" in his tenure as sector chief to "open the flood gates" as a party-pandering congressman, no one should be surprised.

We wouldn't want to upset our corrupt government friend Mexico by building fences, while they could give a rat's behind if our country goes bankrupt, as long as their illegal (criminal) immigrants send the American dollar back home.

I fear for my grandkids' future. I don't have the luxury of leaving them millions after I'm gone like a lot of these self-interested politicians do. God bless the United States. God help us.

Danny Morales

ICE raid

I read with great interest the article on Sept. 15 concerning the raid on Chaparral. I really felt good that they rounded up the illegals. My hat is off to the ICE people and all those that were involved.

Now I see where it says that others say they are afraid to go out, and are afraid to send their kids to school.

Why? If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about.

If you are illegal, and do have something to hide, then you need to be caught and dealt with.

I, myself, if I saw anyone that I thought was illegal, would turn them in in a heartbeat. This is still America. If you want to be here, do it legally. If not, get out.

DeLos Bates
Northeast El Paso