Green Cards
Billie Jewett

Published: February 21, 2008

Many industries wish to buy out their employees who are making a living wage, and to fill the many thousands of job buyouts with "slave labor" at half the living wage.

Could this be why the federal government is proposing millions of green cards to those who have not been properly screened?

This "dumping" of illegal foreign nationals by the millions by the federal government is criminal. States and cities all across the nation must address this problem, for it will collapse the entire financial status of all states. American taxpayers cannot house, feed, school and pick up the cost of health care for all these invaders; it is bankrupting all taxpayers.

NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Association, must be canceled in the near future, for it destroys our sovereignty. NAFTA has been one of the most destructive trade deals of this century. If it is left unchecked it could very well assure the financial collapse of North America, causing the prelude to world depression.

Billie Jewett
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