Feel free to copy, paste and send this letter to comments@whitehouse.gov

Dear Bush,

Did you have a nice Christmas? Did you enjoy yourself, knowing that Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean are going to prison for a total of 23 years for trying to keep illegal drugs our of the hands of your children and mine, while YOU could have given them a Presidential Pardon? Why did you give a pardon to drug dealers, but not to two heroes who tried to stop drug dealers?

Did you enjoy your Christmas, knowing that twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y. That means that while YOU were enjoying YOUR Christmas, twelve Americans were murdered by people who YOU allowed to come into our country illegally.

Did you enjoy your Christmas, knowing that illegal aliens broke into people's homes, stole their Christmas gifts and raped women, while YOU remained in a secure environment that you denied the rest of us? Why hasn't that fence been started yet, Bush.

I'm sure you noticed that I didn't refer to you as "President Bush" and I did so because you are not acting as the President. Instead of "Merry Christmas," would you prefer the politically correct "Happy Holidays" because you certainly are not a Christian or God-fearing individual, given the fact that you have absolutely no regard for the safety of the people you are sworn to protect.

You are going down in history as being the worse President this country has ever known because of your unconscionable effort to force millions upon millions of anti-American racist, criminals down the throats of the good people of the United States of America.

Are you that much out of touch with the everyday American that you have no idea what "we the people" want and demand from our elected officials. As you might have noticed, towns like Hazelton, PA., Farmers Branch, Texas, and others have taken on the problem of illegal immigration that you refuse to see or just really dont give a care about the American people.

Are you that much out of touch with the American public that want no guest worker, no amnesty, no paid back taxes with a path to any kind of citizenship. "WE the people" DEMAND that you enforce every American law, not just certain ones. Enforce the laws on the book in regard to illegal immigration. Polls show that anywhere from 76-85 percent of AMericans asked do NOT want the illegals here taking jobs, stealing American identities, commiting crimes (including rape, burglary, child molestation and murder). What part of this DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND that we do not want. We do not appreciate the illegals coming into the US, having rallies on MAY 1, demanding the federal and state services that American citizens are able to get. We do not want those illegals who till think that the AMERICAN outhwest is still part of Mexico. We are tired of hearing that 25 BILLION DOLLARS every year are sent out of this country to mexico and other latin america countries. We are tired of the hispani groups being able to say anything they want and do what they want in AMERICA. and then have americans threatened, their cards vandalized in our own country when we have as much freedom of speech as anyone else.

Why is it that if a white person has any crime committed against then that it cant possibly a hate crime but yet when a white person commits a crime, it can be a hate crime? please explain this, if you think you can.

By the way, the groups who sit on the border and notify border patrol when illegals com across ARE NOT vigilantes. they are AMERICAN CITIZENS doing the job that you and your elected peons in DC refuse to do or enforce the laws on the books of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. we are not in mexico. Stop screwing the American public.

And speaking of jobs, the line that you and others use in DC "they are doing jobs Americans wont do" I take it that you noticed the Swift raids two weeks ago. Well GUESS WHAT-- the next day employment agencies in all SIX states reported that AMERICANS were lining up to fill those so called jobs that AMERICANS wont do at Swift. and the LINES WERE OUT THE DOOR WAITING ON APPLICATIONS so dont tell me those are jobs Americans wont do, cuz that is an excuse only a lame person or a loser puts out there.

As the Dixie Chicks once said "Im embarassed to admit that the president of the US is from Texas" and for the first time. I HAVE TO ADMIT--- SO AM I.

you are a disgrace to the American public, the forefathers of this great country, the American constitution. You do remember the constitution dont you? the one you swore to uphold in your oath to the office?? GO READ IT AGAIN cuz you are not upholding squat right now