I just finished a radio interview with nationally syndicated
radio host Mike Gallagher, whose show is heard on hundreds
of stations coast-to-coast.

Mike and I discussed the immigration crisis, and Mike said
something that really caught my attention. He said he is
quite frankly puzzled at how some of our leaders in
Washington, D.C., could possibly justify granting
amnesty for illegal aliens. He even called it an
"insane display."

You can listen to the full interview and our latest
audio report here:


(By the way, our team members signed up for the Grassfire
Podcast already have this audio downloaded to their
computer! To sign up for the free podcast, go here...)


Mike is right. What part of "illegal" do they not get?
And consider this: as one of my co-workers pointed out,
their demand for "civil rights" makes no sense at all.
By definition, "civil rights" are "the rights belonging
to an individual by virtue of CITIZENSHIP." This is
actually about the trampling of OUR civil rights!

These protestors who are marching in our streets with
one goal: to influence our Senators. Well, thankfully
friends like you are taking action to counter these
protests. I’m thrilled to report that Grassfire team
members have scheduled over 72,000 faxes to be
delivered to the Senators' in-state offices.

If you have not yet scheduled your faxes to be delivered
to your Senators’ in state offices, there is still time.
Go here:


+ + "Bigger" things in store

With Congress back in session next week, our team has
some "bigger" things in store. Ron and I will be
delivering petitions to the Judiciary Committee,
which is expected to take up immigration reform
almost immediately. We also have a very exciting
nationwide campaign that we are finalizing right
now. We are not quite ready to publicly announce
this effort, but as soon as we launch, I will
let you know.