Email sent to me, from a Ky. Rep. I had asked him to explain why they believe they need more Visa workers, when it was based on fraudulent data.

Thank you for emailing to me a copy of the Human Events article on fraudulent data related to engineering jobs in the U.S. and with your thoughts on the outsourcing of American jobs. It's good to hear from you, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

Your concerns are valid regarding this very important issue for our national economy. Some businesses have moved operations from the United States to other countries, where regulations are fewer and labor costs are lower. Congress must confront this troubling trend and deal with the multiple roots of the problem.

First, we must improve the climate for the growth of business here at home. We must continue to reduce the tax burden on both producers and consumers of goods. In addition to its financial drag on business, the tax code creates excessive red tape for employers and employees which, like excessive taxes, stunts economic growth. By lowering taxes and simplifying the tax code, we reduce barriers to domestic growth and innovation. This will allow American businesses to more easily expand in our own country, creating jobs. Congress should also enact further targeted tax incentives to hire American workers and manufacture goods in the U.S. However, tax reform alone is not enough. We must maintain strong trade laws which enable us to ensure a level playing field for American workers. In particular, Congress must ensure strong anti-dumping and anti-subsidy laws to combat illegal imports.

Other factors contributing to the outsourcing trend include rising health care costs and energy prices. Congress must continue its work to contain rising health care costs and implement the comprehensive energy plan signed into law on August 8, 2005. I will work hard to ensure that our competitors in the global market do not gain an advantage over U.S. producers and to prevent illegally traded imports from jeopardizing American jobs.

Thanks again for contacting me about an issue of importance to both of us. Please feel free to call me about this or any other issue. You can sign-up to receive the Fourth District E-Mail Newsletter at my website by visiting


Geoff Davis

Member of Congress