I couldn't stand it anymore, I emailed this Mexican Consulate, located in NY......send him a message concerning Fox's meddling in our immigration policies.

José Evaristo Ramón Xilotl Ramírez

To: José Evaristo Ramón Xilotl Ramírez

As an American citizen, I strongly suggest that someone tell President Fox, we are tired of his meddling in OUR immigration affairs.

Saying America should be ashamed of the new fence act, is ridiculous. He is the one that should be ashamed, for not providing for his own people, for having a rich Country and allowing his people to be unemployed, for sending those people into OUR Country, forcing American tax payers to fund HIS people.

He along with the Mexican elite are using America as a dumping ground for their failed policies, or lack of wanting to use their own money to help their OWN people.

Americans are fed up with our tax dollars being spent on foreigners and foreign governments that are corrupt, that never use OUR money to help their own people.

It's OUR Country, and American's want a fence or wall, the whole length of the border with Mexico, your Country has shown they do not want to help with the illegal problem we have here, and we are not going to support your failed policies any longer.

Please tell President Fox, if he does not like our walls, too bad! He's on the way out, and now Mexico has another that wants to ship his people into our Country, so please, pass the message onto him also.

Thanks for nothing,
Send your msg. to