Some comments have been made through the Spanish networks that would and eventually will cause a breach of peace. I have access to this inofmration beacuse my wife is a naturalized citizen of this country from a country in Central America. These people are talking about a bloody revolt in this courty if they do not get what they want. But the majority of Americans do not have a clue what they are saying or question what is going on. And the sad part, they are openingly talking about revolt right in front of our faces.

This aritcle was in the Ft Worth Star Telegram. What you don't see is the sad numbers that showed up. A little over 70.

SPECIAL to the star-telegram/RICHARD W. RODRIGUEZ
Dozens attend the "Stop the Invasion" rally Saturday in downtown Fort Worth. German native and Forest Hill resident Joachim Saupe, right, holds a sign that reads, "What part of illegal don't you understand?"FORT WORTH -- Waving American flags and chanting slogans, about 70 people turned out Saturday to show their support for tough immigration reform.

Demonstrators first gathered near the intersection of Third and Commerce streets, then walked a few blocks to the Tarrant County Courthouse.

Along the way some motorists honked and gave participants a thumbs up in support, while a few others booed and made obscene gestures at the group.

Ira McKeon of Arlington, said he was relieved that a demonstration finally took place for people who believe there should be stiff penalties for those who enter the U.S. illegally and employers who hire them.

"I wondered if anyone was ever going to put a demonstration together," McKeon said. "I don't mind immigrants coming over here. I just want them to do it legally."

The "Stop the Invasion" rally remained relatively peaceful.

A group of about six people who said they were part of the Anti-Racist Action Network -- a coalition of groups that opposes racism, sexism and homophobia -- met the demonstrators at the courthouse. Police kept them on opposite sides of the street, however.

On its Web site, the Anti-Racist Action Network says its mission is to demonstrate "whenever fascists are organizing or active in public. ... Never let the nazis have the street!"

The two groups heckled one another for more than an hour.

Tory Cloud of Austin, who is part of the coalition, was issued a citation by police after she made an obscene gesture, a class C misdemeanor.

Cloud said she was there to counter discrimination against immigrants.

"Hate speech breeds hate crimes," Cloud said. "There should be cultural awareness. People shouldn't forget that this country was founded by immigrants."

Demonstrators chanted several slogans during the two-hour rally. Among them, "Secure our borders and that's an order!" "Build a wall." and "No se puede," (No you can't).

At recent marches by those who support lenient immigration reform, participants chanted "Si se puede," (Yes we can).

Lisa Perdue, who organized the event, said she was encouraged by the turnout and predicted that it will swell at future demonstrations.

"It's a good response," the Fort Worth resident said. "Our attitude represents a huge majority of what people are feeling right now in the debate."

The U.S. Senate is debating its immigration reform legislation. In December, the U.S. House passed its version, which would make illegal immigration a felony and calls for building a wall along much of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Connie Daniel of White Settlement held the American flag upside down, a signal of distress.

"Our country is under attack," she said as tears streamed down her face. "This is not about immigration, it's about colonization. This country is being taken over by Hispanics and Muslims. It's time we open our eyes."

Demonstrators also gathered Saturday in Crawford near President Bush's ranch. They were there to protest the president's support of immigration legislation that includes a guest worker program and a path for citizenship for many of the estimated 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants already living in the U.S.

I have access to a lobbyist who is down at the Crawford ranch every weekend. And he wishes to remain nameless, due to the fact he is one of GW Bish best friends. He says that are large amounts of money pushing open borders and other lobbyist for big business. Very few senators and congressmen are listening to their supporters. To make these matters even worse, every time a bill goes to the President, it has usually a large number of attachments.

The enemy can muster hundreds of thousands. We can muster hundreds. This is what I was saying the other day,There must be a massive concerted effort to achieve one common goal. Or this plane will not get off the ground.