Today the gave up our rally corner and retreated to a new corner. The government sponsored (personal opinion) ISO goons were just getting to confrontational.

We were just commenting on how nice and peaceful it had been when a gang of the what appeared to be illegal aliens (Tattoos on their heads?) tracked us down. They were none to happy as they marched across the street and attacked us with out mercy.

Signs were flying. Glasses were flying. Cameras were flying. And the people whom the government is sworn to protect were flying.

I had serious reservations about attending tonights rally. They were well founded.

It seems that open debate is no longer an option in this country. We have a government that just doesn't hear anymore. Actually only for my lifetime. The history books are full of them doing good things. At the moment I can't think of a one.

How come not one of those in government responsible for the state of the union has not been tried for treason after the many decades of open opposition to the citizens and the laws of these United States?