Hey Friend, nnTrixie and all others,
Does not matter what your time limitations are? If each and every one of zero's in on just one free account of any newspaper--major or minor? We can cover an awful lot of ground, amongst the uninformed.....



MY goal today once again is the Iowa population:

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It is a shame that the momentum of the illegal immigration nightmare, has resorted to THEM and US! But for the majority of the American population, its about the "RULE of LAW." It's about a troubled economy! It's about our sovereignty, our flag our language. It's about the difference between legal and illegal! Whatever your origin of birth, you are welcome no matter what your ethnic makeup, as long as you entered through the front door with the permission of the American taxpayer? We are a nation of immigrants, but in this century of a 300 million population and climbing, its about about drinking water and supplying energy to every community. Have you seen our highway systems lately? No person in their right mind enjoys the madness of traffic congestion, that is escalating daily. What is the major cause of road rage? Funny I never heard on these menacing conflicts on our streets, back in the 50's? We can no longer as a country afford to support the millions of uneducated, poor of the world. We have become a magnet for people who want to feed their families, protect them from the corrupt governments of foreign nations. Americans are compassionate and very giving and have a philanthropist nature, but their are limits to supporting the hungry and destitute of this planet. We certainly are not the benevolent as we once were. Taxpayers, the middle class; the white and blue collar workers are strained to even feed their families, yet by federal mandate we are forced to feed, house, clothe and care for the wave upon wave of foreign nationals. This is unjust, completely unfair and a travesty of our safety-net for our own needful citizens.
There is a building storm that could tear the very fabric of American society to shreds. We are in a period of revolutionary mind, enacting the time of colonial loyalists and revolutionaries. Within the midst of are many anti -American entities, who are threatening our Constitutional law and the oath of allegiance. People who come here to be American, a citizen should form ranks. Every ethnic group no matter their origin, should repudiate any Un-American group, of which their are many. If we do not stand together, unite against a common enemy; this time domestic, we, our national sovereignty will vanish like the Roman Empire. We know who they are, non-profits, the taxpayer funds, to dissolve our way of life. Not only are we attacked from within, but also foreign nations like Mexico, whose previous President demanded we accept their poor workers. Then there is the International globalist, open border, free market machine, that underscores the peoples will at every turn.
All legal people, all nationalities, all races, religions should get involved, because their is an internal movement out there, to destroy our great nation. Not with bombs, not with bullets, but by destroying our freedom of "FREE SPEECH."

Perhaps like never before, America is on the brink of collapsing into an unholy mess. The national election could certainly be the final gasp of a once, powerful nation. Today we are confronted with immigrants who have no intention of assimilation, to them we are the cash-cow, the free handout, because our government says so? We as a nation, a people has been sold to the highest bidder. Our country is heading downward spiral, because the corporate cartels own the majority of our politicians. Our border are in jeapardy, our ports, our infrastructure. Worse than being sold to a commercial enterprise, we have become ignorant that even our highways are up for grabs. What next toll-booths on the F-R-E-E ways, because some consortium has taken possession? What happened to the great American steel industry? What happened to shoes that said "Made in America." Even if you wanted to buy a pair of shoes that were manufactured HERE; on these shores? All the time the Communist Chinese are building a War machine for what? Why our stupid, liberal press decry anybody who speaks out?

Before this President steps down, we must be aware of the decisions we make for our childrens future? They will be presented with a tax bill, along with future generations in a War that hardly any other country would touch. Then there is the estimated profit to U.S. corporations and businesses employing illegal aliens in 2005 which was more than $2.36 TRILLION dollars; The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University]; the cost is MANY TIMES GREATER now in 2006! In 2006 the average cost of each Illegal Alien here is 11,000.00 per year for American Taxpayers! Then according to Center for Immigration Studies and the tax burden will grow -- because 15 million more immigrants are set to arrive by year 2017 according to their latest research. according to Center for Immigration Studies and the tax burden will grow -- because 15 million more immigrants are set to arrive by year 2017 according to their latest research. More than 10 million immigrants have arrived since year 2000; it is estimated that nearly 6 million are illegal. All told, the group of immigrants now account for 38 million at the moment according to the White House's own census bureau.

This continuous tide of unfortunate poor from across our Southern border, South America or any other third world country, is devastating our economy We are teeming with foreign national and their families, seeking a better life. Many have come here to harm us, intentionally, while others have imported less-known contagious diseases, un-intentionally. But when they started demanding that taxpayers pay for interpreters in the courts, voting ballots is yet another burden upon the U.S. taxpayer and unfortunately their needs are being favored by our weak politicians. Comes along The "SAVE ACT" that can alleviate much of the frustration and anger of the American citizen. Using of penalties from predator employers of heavy fines and confiscation of business profits, would pay exceedingly well for internal enforcement?

Emphasizing the principles of Attrition Through Enforcement. The SAVE Act (H.R. 4088) will broaden and enhance border security and interior enforcement. CONTACT YOUR (Public Servant) SENATOR OR CONGRESSMAN/WOMEN TO CO-SPONSOR THE "SAVE ACT."

Iowans, Voters in New Hampshire and specifically in Nevada should remember this alert, when they arrive at the Caucases, the Primaries or the 2008 National election!

You are the voter, you are your families future, you are the food on the table. The "SAVE ACT" is the first step to STOP, to Stop for good, the erosion of your pay check. You are saying NO! to the predator employers, who sell you down the economic river? No more free welfare for big business--They either hire American workers of any race! Or they can have a FIRE SALE!