I just wanted to share this portion of a transcript to see what you guys think about it. It really stuck in my craw when I heard David Brooks make this comment yesterday on Meet the Press. Below the clip is the letter I just sent him. If others want to make comments to him, you can email him at the link below.

MR. BROOKS: I always look at passionate outsiders. Who are the passionate outsiders who are going to come into the mainstream? Because the people with passion really can control the decade--the feminists in the 1970s, the evangelicals in the 1980s. And so when I look around the world at who are the real passionate outsiders, one, the people that we've already talked about, which are the, the democracy protesters in Iran. But two, and I have to say that I'm not a huge fan of them, but the tea party people. They have real passion. They're now at the outside. If they can merge with responsible leadership and become a real movement--there's real disgust at government, there's real disgust about fiscal issues--they could become maybe a destructive force in the Republican Party, maybe a positive force. But, to me, those are the people with real passion who may play a much larger role in the coming decade and so forth.

Mr. Brooks,
I was watching Meet the Press on Sunday and was shocked when you made the remark below that you were "not a huge fan" of the Tea Party people. To me, that says you're not a huge fan of the American people, because these Tea Parties are made up of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, all of whom are housewives, grandparents, parents, everyday average Americans. Then you go on to say almost gleefully, that the Tea Party people could be the "destructive force" of the Republican party. It's people like you from the left who are dividing the American people with "destructive" remarks like this which tries to pit one group against another. And it's this liberal administration that is destructive, not the people who are sick of all the spending and government control of their lives. Maybe you should take the time to interview these Tea Party people and get the true story before you put your foot in it again.

http://topics.nytimes.com/top/opinion/e ... index.html