The City of Oklahoma City Action Center condones the breaking of city ordinances. This morning at 6:25, I got awoken by a bunch of roofers pounding and tearing the roof off the neighbors house. As usual as is the case most of them couldn't speak a word of English and the one that did in broken English said something about needing to start early because of the heat. The city ordinance says construction work cannot start before 7am. I used my db meter and the noise was between 90-100db on the "C" scale which by code is too loud. The wife called the city to make a complaint and they refused to take one!!!!! Used the excuse it gets hot early so they are ignoring the ordinance!!!

No markings on any of the vehicles around the house. These people drive much better vehicles than I can afford that's for sure. It is very apparent that some of these workers are probably illegal aliens. All young and don't speak a word of English?? Of course the spanish language radio's are playing. They get any louder the cops will get called!! Can't even go into the back yard without having to listen to it.

They park in other people's driveways block mailboxes and walk all over other people's yards with absolutely no concern for the neighborhood or private property! Thankfully they'll only be here for the day and be gone to do the next crappy job.

These jobs should be going to legal working Americans!!!! Thanks for the rant.....