Faith, Hope & Love; America Can Prevail:
Even as Mexico plan for the liberation of Aztlan, all is not lost. America survived a bloody birth, the growing pains of expansion, a life-threatening civil war, the industrial age and two world wars in which we preserved freedom and democracy from England to China. Adversity has made us strong and Mexican colonialism is just another opportunity for us to prove and improve ourselves - I hope. No paper about a problem is complete without giving solutions. Here are mine:

1. Place the U.S. Military on the border. Stop all illegal immigration immediately.
2. Reduce Mexican legal immigration to levels comparable to other nations.
3. Abolish Dual Citizenship - Both my heart and wallet belong to America. So should immigrants'.
4. Deport all illegal aliens currently in our country.
5. Make Illegal aliens ineligible for all public services.
6. Design & implement a system that verifies an immigrant's eligibility to work in our country.
7. Close down the Mexican Consuls.
8. Remove MECHA from all public schools - Hate should not be tolerated on public campuses.
9. Remove all references to Aztlan and challenges to America's sovereignty from Chicano studies curriculum. Mexican Americans should have pride in themselves. They shouldn't be prejudiced against their country.
10. End bilingual education.

To make any of the above a reality, the American people must identify the threat of Mexican colonialism and take actions to fight it. For my part, I have written this essay. It is a thirteen-year culmination of watching my country bow down to Mexico's threats, name-calling and intimidation; thirteen years of concessions to an enemy masquerading as a best friend. But you must do your part: join a group that is fighting to stop illegal immigration. Americanpatrol collected most of the information in this essay. They can be contacted at Work with them to inform others about the threat. Demand action from elected officials and hold them accountable. Join a militia group to protect the border. Militias, like groups dedicated to stopping illegal immigration through electoral means, are forming all across the border area. Finally, do all of this with love in your heart knowing that defending our nation is a just cause.

Summary and Conclusion:
My name is Kenny Felsher. I was born in Los Angeles, California, USA in 1969. Today, the majority of this land's inhabitants refer to it as Alta California, Mexico. Some say Aztlan. The community of nations is shocked. They can't believe how the mightiest nation on the planet lost one half of its territory to a much weaker and less sophisticated mass of peasants. I wasn't shocked. I saw it happen, just like Mexico and Mexicans said it would. I saw that from 1985 to 1996, California schools added 3,765 white students and in the same time added 1,006,647 hispanic (i.e. Mexican) students. I knew it was only a matter of time before the same fate fell upon the adult population and the demographic takeover was complete. No, I wasn't shocked. I watched as the Mexican media flaunted their colonial aspirations. Didn't the world community and American people see the July 12, 1999 issue of Newsweek. In it Christie Haubegger, President and Publisher of Latina Magazine said, "The United States of the 21st century will be undeniably ours again. It's Manifest Destino." Didn't they see the cover of the September, 1997 Hispanic Magazine. If you missed it, here it is again.

Joe Sanchez, a noted hispanic civil rights activist made Mexico's intentions clear when he said, "We may not overcome, but we will overwhelm. In 1997 and while in America, the President of Mexico said that Mexico is expanding beyond the territory enclosed by its borders because of migration. One year later, the Mexican Consul General said that Mexico is practicing La Reconquista in California. Four years later, a scientific poll of the Mexican people revealed Mexicans belief that the American Southwest belonged to them. Revenge is a compelling motive, isn't it? As I have shown, Mexico has always had motive but only recently acquired the means and the opportunity.

America, I love you and I demand that you open your eyes. Destroy the blinding light of political correctness that conceals the guns and ammo of our enemy. America, I beg you to fight for your right to live. ... 30205.html