Making a big problem bigger.

Illegal immigration is already a big problem and democrats want to make it bigger with amnesty for some of the family members. When I think democrats can’t get any stupider, they do. SCHIP, the Dream Act and now the Agriculture bill. What is next? We cannot let our guard down for one second. We have to be prepared for the unthinkable and ridiculous because they are capable of it.
It makes absolute no sense to give legal status to children of illegal aliens with the excuse they are here of no cause of their own. Are we going to keep the children and deport their parents? And it makes no sense to give children born here to illegal aliens automatic birthright citizenship. All this just complicate the illegal immigration problem.
It make no sense to give legal status to guest workers when they will go into the inner cities and not come back next season and more have to be brought in to fill the shortage of workers.
All of this only encourages more illegal immigration. A never ending cicle of illegal immigration. All of this is just making the illegal immigration problem a bigger problem than it is.
Why can't they just let the immigration laws work. Work place enforcement works. Border security works.