The following was mailed to me by an attorney from Jurisdictionary. I thought you might like to share this with others, especially since we are on the close of Memorial Day for 2010.

Fallen for Liberty ... and Justice!
Let not their sacrifice be trampled by injustice!

Today we remember the fallen.

We remember their sacrifice for us.

For you. For me.

For every child as yet unborn.

For Freedom? Yes.

But, what is Freedom, really?

For what does the Statue stand?

What does she promise?

What's in the book in her right hand?

What does the upheld lamp symbolize?

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

What is the golden door if it is not the doorway to a life with Liberty protected by Justice controlled by rules?

I beg you, friends, as we remember those who bled and died for Liberty, let us honor our own calling.

If we desire Liberty for ourselves and others, as those honored dead most earnestly desired for us, then let every one of us join in the struggle to keep Justice pure, to learn her rules and teach them to our children and the world, to fight for Liberty by learning how to demand Justice for all!

Let us learn to control judicial corruption.

Let us learn to overcome crooked lawyers who pervert Justice for their own self-interest.

Let us honor our fallen dead by securing Liberty for this and future generations by promoting greater understanding of the principles and practices that make Justice possible.

For, without Justice, there can be no Liberty.

So very many gave their lives so you and I could enjoy Liberty under law according to Justice controlled by rules.

Let not their sacrifice be trampled by injustice!

It is our sacred duty to work for Justice, so that Liberty can be guaranteed to all ... as they wished it.

Let us remember by fighting for what they wished for us!

Liberty secured by Justice controlled by rules.

Learn and teach the Rules that command Justice!

Do it for your children!

Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD