This is undoubtedly a far-fetched idea, but here goes anyhow:

If you recall the events surrounding the impeachment of Bill Clinton revolving around the Monicagate thing, then you will recall how many Republicans had their own little secrets exposed by the likes of the publisher of Hustler Magazine.

Now it seems to be happening again. Frist not long ago was accused of stock fraud of some type. Hastert has recently been "under investigation by the FBI" according to ABC. Tom DeLay was accussed of improper use of lobbyists' proffers along with his wife's use of travel or something. Karl Rove is under investigation, too.

Then there's GWB. It seems to me that he acts like someone who's being blackmailed. OK, that's the far-fetched part because we know he's been trying to push this amnesty idea for years. But think back to May 15. Didn't he seem to be sweating a little more than usual? Didn't he seem to sit a little more rigidly than normal? Didn't he act as if he were being manipulated like a puppet?

Perhaps someone is blackmailing him. Just a thought,,,,,,,,,,,