Passing this timely message from I.R.O.N. on to the ALIPAC Forum.


Looks like Newt Gingrich has just gone the same road as Rick Perry

I. R. O. N.
Newsletter 2011, Wednesday Morning, 14 December, 2011


Looks like Newt Gingrich has just gone the same road as Rick Perry. Watch for poll numbers

The continual bombardment from LaRaza has both Perry and Gingrich spouting the ‘family values’ rhetoric to their own demise. Is it not interesting that their large egos and desire to appease the Hispanic organizations are greater than realizing that we taxpayers have family values also – OUR Families and our families are fed up with providing a free ride for illegal aliens while we cut our budgets to survive.

Fact is, there are more of us voting Americans than those looking to turn America into another Mexico suburb.

Are presidential contenders so ‘bubble insulated’ that they have no common sense to the real drains on our economy? These dunderheads continue to try to ‘put the problems of illegal aliens on the backs of taxpayers disguising their illegal entry as problems you and I must solve.’

Working Americans see the economic drain as a result of our Government enabling 30 Million more people into the country to work and reproduce over the past 25 years without abilities or education to support even themselves. Our schools are overwhelmed, prisons are overwhelmed, neighborhoods are overwhelmed and deteriorating, all because Chamber of Commerce and large corporations demand cheap slave labor WHILE they outsource our manufacturing and industries to foreign countries that have even cheaper labor.

At some point, local and state governments will come face to face with the question “just how is this illegal cheap labor working out for small towns and cities? Is the Chamber of Commerce really creating jobs?

Are the Chambers of Commerce interested at all in economic development? OR are they the enabler of Agenda 21, sustainable development for cities and determined to control the over-population of the earth as their website tells you and as IRON research has proven?

That is when they will finally realize they have been duped!

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“There is no question that respect for a nation’s immigration laws is something every sovereign nation on the face of the planet demands.

There is nothing racially motivated about saying, ‘We have our immigration laws, and we would like them enforced’â€