According to councilman Tim O'Hare of Farmers Branch TX on the Greg Knapp Experience (KLIF 570AM) The city council has hired an attorney who is working on an ordinance for them. The city is using Revision #5 of the F.I.R.E. coalition ordinance to start from. Mr. O'Hare also said that the city is keeping in close contact with the attorney for Hazelton PA and when their ordinance is finalized will get a copy of it from the city to give to their attorney. He said that he hopes a working version will be in the hands of the council in 30 days.

City Councilman Tim O'Hare also apologized for the speculation that he may be indeed hiring an illegal housekeeper to clean his house from time to time. The speculation arose yesterday on the same radio show when he was questioned about it and his law practice. After days being embattled by local and national media and having the Mayor of the city make false statements about him that were printed in a local newspaper (the mayor denies he made the comments) the councilman seemed defensive and standoffish in his interview.

He was deeply apologetic to the listeners and to Greg. On the show today he said he made an effort and asked his housekeeper if she was legal, he did not say that he was looking into it but did take her word that she was here legally. He also said that he realizes as a public face of the movement he must be very careful to ensure that he is not part of the problem but part of the solution. In that light Greg asked about his private law practice and if he would ever represent an illegal alien in court. Tim said he would give someone advice without asking for legal documentation, but would not represent them.

Tim also answered questions regarding the meeting last night and said that he felt the city's resolution demanding that the federal government take action on the subject was an important step.

Mr. O'Hare also brought to light that a man who was in attendance last night announced his candidacy for the city council in this years election and that if voted in he would support and vote for the proposed ordinance. Councilman Tim O'Hare endorsed this man [sry i forgot the name] for a council seat and asked that citizens support him as well.