Along with their antagonistic closing of scenic view turnouts and of course the memorials on the D.C. mall, the Obama administration and some Congress members are apparently refusing to correspond with the American people.

Here is an excerpt from an email I received from Dianne Feinstein. It's her "response" to something that I emailed her about last week. My response to her "response" follows.

"On 10/08/13, wrote:
As a result of the Government shutdown, my office is currently unable to respond to your email. I will respond to your concerns as soon as possible."

My reply back to her:

From: xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Reply from Senator Dianne Feinstein

Why? We are unfortunately still paying you! Not that you actually work for the People anyway.
If I were a corporate donor or a La Raza officer you'd sure be emailing me back.

In Deep Disgust,