
Fat Lazy Americans, Hard-working Christian Illegals
12/26/07 · 12:05 am posted by Aaron

How many times have we heard the Republican Presidential candidates scapegoat undocumented workers for their own selfish political gain? Enough. And enough IS enough. When watching clips from candidate town hall meetings and debates you are likely to see undereducated rednecks and young college graduates asking the candidates questions like "What will you do to stop the illegal immigrant terrorists," (as if they go hand in hand) "What is your plan to send all 13 million illegals back to where they came from," etc, etc. What do they both have in common? Joblessness.

If you visit some of the towns in our agrarian states you might notice lines of ethnic minorities standing on street corners. They are called day laborers, and they stand outside, often in freezing weather, hoping that a local farm or family business is in need of their temporary labor. For them, being offered the chance to work hard all day in the outdoors to earn 5 or 6 dollars per hour is seen as a golden opportunity. At the end of the day they are able to see the tangible fruits of their labor and productivity. With a sense of temporary relief they are able to feed themselves and their families.

If you visit the homes of many families in the USA these days, it is very common to see 20-something year old's living at home, often unemployed or underemployed. Many of them have collge degrees, but are still unable to find work that is suitable to their expectations. So, rather than being smart enough to work toward getting a good job, they blame their loser status on illegal immigrants. Their parents are just as bad. Not wanting to accept their inferior parenting skills, they direct the blame at illegal immigrants for their children not being able to find work after college.

Our Presidential candidates are more than willing to legitimize this myth as a way of giving Americans a false sense of hope. If you are an unemployed reject or the parent of one, hearing a politician tell you that it's not your fault can make you feel very good and even victimized. But these are not traditional American values, and they certainly are not the qualities of a leader. A real leader would be a gadfly and reinforce a stronger work ethic into the minds of the American people.

Who do these millionaire gentry politicians think they are that they can just use the misfortunes of impoverished people to galvanize American citizens into voting for them? While I acknowledge that illegal immigration has destroyed our public school systems and has dried up a lot of public welfare funds that are needed for many of our own struggling families, I do have a lot more respect for "illegals" than I do for some of the lazy fat asses that actually are citizens of this country. In fact, I want hard-working people to be citizens of this country, more so than those who think they are too good for hard work.

Now, with record numbers of both legal and illegal immigrants returning to their countries of origin, it seems almost inappropriate for politicians to hype those who are easily fooled. With poor student test scores and low productivity, the last thing this country needs are advantageous politicians further dumbing down Americans and demonizing those who are willing to actually work hard.

So the next time you see an ethnic minority who "talks funny," try to appreciate her drive to succeed, her ability to labor under brutal conditions and her appreciation for the opportunity to work hard that has been shunned and foolishly undervalued by today's young generation of American citizens. What gives these politicians who were born with silver spoons in their mouthes the right to vilify these workers? Then again, if you have never labored a day in your life and experienced the fear of not being able to feed your baby, such ignorance is understandable.

Finally, and most importantly, a high percentage of immigrant workers are family oriented and attend church regularly. Ask McCain, Guiliani, Thompson and the others when the last time was that they attended a church service. Then ask them if they know of any bibles scriptures that relate to their everyday struggles, another reason why I have more respect for illegals than I do for our scapegoating politicians.

Illegal immigration in the USA is a problem. However, contrary to the false doctrine that is spewed out of the mouth of politicians, unemployable college grads and rednecks, the problem isn't the illegal immigrants as human beings. They are mostly residents of other countries who, prior to coming to America, lacked the education to understand concepts like "legal immigration," and "illegal immigration." But, unlike the plethora of people who consider themselves educated here in America, they do understand the concept of work. And it is work that made America what it is, or was: a prosperous country full of opportunity. Now, we are a country that is breeding a population of failures, and thanks to the liberals, we victimize ourselves and blame others for our misfortune. This self-destructing of America is the fault of nobody but ourselves, and with the immigrants fleeing our country in droves, it not only confirms our decline, but deprives us of the hard work and values that made America what it once was.


12/26/07 @ 6:50 am bittersweet (registered user) writes:

Yes Aaron, but Americans had the rug pulled right out from under them.
Who told kids that they should go to school, get an education, and good job would follow?
That was "the American way", right?
So, who re-nigged on it? Not the kids who went to school...
Where are the jobs?
Yeah, the immigrants work hard,but $6.00 and hour here is worth $18.00 an hour in many of there home countries.And if they are sending most of their money home, how is that helping us?
Businesses get away with paying cheap and at the same time saying "Americans won't do the job".
And Americans are subject to drug tests, job-checks, cori checks and credit checks for an $8.00 hr. job.
Do the immigrants have to go through the same thing?
I doubt it....and it feels as if some companies would rather hire anyone but Americans....
How is that ok in our own county?
When did we Americans become the enemy?

12/26/07 @ 8:28 am wavemaker (registered user) writes:

Aaron, I am unclear on what you believe is the proper solution. You laud the population as hard-working and innocent, yet acknowledge that "illegal immigration" (as distinguished from the immigrants themselves) is a "problem" that has ruined the public school system and dried up welfare roles -- so it's nice that you've pinpointed the problem, but it is really the post-college indolence of white American citizens that is at fault?

What do you do with unemployed illegal immigrants? The ones that are charged with crimes? The ones that drive unsafe vehicles on the roadways with inferior driving skills and no insurance? The ones with false IDs that collect multiple benefit checks? The ones that run gangs from inside of California prisons? Why bother sending them home if they can just turn around and walk back in?

I am not a member of the "send them all home" crowd, by the way. What's your solution?

12/26/07 @ 8:45 am royalcrowncola (registered user) writes:

Interesting comments on the immigration crisis. Of course you aren't providing any solutions...only, shouting that you see a problem.

I've lived and worked outside the USA for many years. In no country other country where I have lived are people allowed to immigrate in a manner that circumvents the immigration laws. What makes it so wrong for America to have secure borders? To have immigration laws and have the right to enforce them? Why are the 80% of the population that desire secure borders in America guilt manipulated by the elitist political class you represent?

Voting is (was) a precious American right. Who authorized the vote to be given to illegal immigrants? In my state (which borders Mexico) illegal immigrants are not only allowed to register to vote...they are encouraged to do so. By whom? By politicians who want/need to take advantage of those votes.

12/26/07 @ 9:05 am Monponsett (registered user) writes:

Friggin' immigrants... they ought to send them off to Immigrantville, where they belong.

12/26/07 @ 10:52 am zeezil (registered user) writes:

Aaron...calling Aaron. Oh, that's right. You can't hear me since there is no way for you to communicate from the TWILIGHT ZONE.

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