For those who do not understand the recent finding of this bank supporting illegal immigration ....I have a news flash. The "federal reserve" is nothing more than what Europe calls a central bank. What we have is 12 locations to appear decentralized .. furthermore there is absolutely nothing "federal' about it. The FED is a PRIVATE BANK that congress Illegally allowed to produce the currency of this country ...and later removed us from the gold standard. Thats right .. .your money is backed by nothing more than THIN AIR. I highly encourage you to look at a few sources. Aaron Russo's movie that can be viewed for free on goggle called "Freedom to Fascism" ... also the websites and or if you really want a good read. The book called the "Creature from Jekyl Isle." I have been an ALIPAC supporter and quiet viewer awaiting a moment when what I want to say is taken seriously .... the latest article on the FED was it. You will notice the growing movement against the NEO-Cons and our FED also have a huge amount of Ron Paul supporters. God Bless you for all your fantastic work in fighting for our children.